Twenty Eight

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Josh's POV

"H-Hi Debby." I stammer as I saw the redhead stand in front of my with a huge smile.

"Josh, hi! How have you been, how has been tour life been treating you?"
She asked as she put her hand on shoulder. I stiffened uncomfortably, not used to her touch. It has been practically three years since we've dated.

"Oh, uh the tours been g-great." I said, subtly trying to get her arm of my shoulder by propping myself on one leg. She thankfully took her hand off my shoulder.

"I only expected so much out of such a great band! Anyway, we really should start talking again, I miss even just our friendship." She said with a small smile, while looking down.

"Oh, u-u-uh y-y-yeah totally!" I say as I mentally facepalm.

You can barely hold a conversation with her from awkwardness, how are you expected to hang out with her?
The voice in my head says as her face brightens up and she pulls a pen and paper out of the bag I didn't know she had.

"Here, uh, I changed my number a few months back, but I seriously hope we can get back in touch." Debby hands me a piece of paper, as she sheepishly rubs the back of her neck. I raised my eyebrows as I showed her the paper and then shoved it in my pockets. She opens her arms, obviously for a hug. I think about for a second before thinking, what's the harm in a hug?

As I hug her, I feel someone tap my shoulder. I let go and turn around to see a slightly annoyed Tyler.

"Time to go." He mumbled before turning around to get Jenna. I turn around to face Debby, before saying,

"Guess that's my cue, I'll see you around." I say before giving a small smile and an awkward wave. She returns the wave before I walk away.

I walk outside to see Tyler and Jenna sitting in the car, and a sad and annoyed looking Y/N standing against the car with her arms crossed.

"Took you long enough." Y/N sneered before giving a quiet sigh and getting in the back seat. I get in, and before I could question any of them, Y/N has her/his headphones in, Tyler is pulling out of the driveway, and Jenna is asleep.

I'm going to throw myself out of a window this story is so cringe. I'm most likely going to write another story but for another band because my boys in Waterparks are the literal loves of my live. Also this story is gonna be over soon ahhh. I may hate this story but I've grown with it and im so glad there hasn't been any hate.

a little crush- josh dun x reader [editing]Where stories live. Discover now