Twenty Three

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P.o.v switch so watch out for that

Your P.O.V
How'd you know I was staring at your ass?" Jack Barakat asked. You weren't start struck. You were now used to meeting celebrities on the basis, so your inner sass came out.

"Forget that, why were staring at my ass in the first place." You asked raising an eyebrow, and planting a hand on your hip. When Jack didn't say anything for ten seconds you continued.

"Yeah, that's what I thought." You said turning around look back down at your phone.

"Well, may I say you don't need to reject me that quickly." He said.

"Well, may I say you don't need to be a cocky little shit Mr. Barakat. Not everyone worships the ground you walk on." You said, mocking his choice of words. He walked up next to you and swiped your phone out of your hands. You yelled and tried getting it back but the little shit was running away. Being lazy you decided to just stop running after him, that there wasn't much to hide anyway. After two minutes he came back with a smug look on his face.

"Here you go. I like you. We should be friends." He said. You put on a clearly fake frown.

"Oh, it's too bad I'm leaving tomorrow. Oh well, what are ya gonna do?" You said.

Josh's P.O.V (le gasp, but Josh POV is important in this story.)

I don't know what, but watching Jack and Y/N talk and act like good friends gave me a feeling. An angry feeling, like when you're playing a carnival game and you lose, but someone else gets it on the first try. I was too busy giving Jack a death glare that I didn't notice Alex walking over.

"You okay dude, you look like you're about to stab Jack." He said, scaring me.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." I said still glaring at Jack.

"Dude, do you like Y/N? You look like you're about to plummet Jack to a pulp if he doesn't stop talking to him/her." That's when I was more interested in the conversation.

"What? No!" I almost yelled, my defensive side came out.

"Yeah okay, and Jalex is real." He said with obvious sarcasm. When Jack put his hand on Y/N shoulder that's when I about lost it. I walked right up to them and grabbed Y/N by the arm.

"Studio Emergency. I'm your ride. We need to leave." I said with an angry tone.

"Oh okay then. See ya guys!" He/she yelled, waving at the rest of the people there. We got to the car and I let go of her arm and got in, starting the engine.

"You okay there bud? You look like you're about to pop a vein." She/He asked.

"Totally fine. Everything's A-okay." I said trying to fake smile.

"I can tell you're fake smiling but okay then."

Yay an update whoop tee whoops. Tbh I don't really like this chapter but it's all I have. Hope y'all enjoy and tell me if its good or not.

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