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           Hi, my name is Morgan Rose. I had the perfect boyfriend named Andy Krizak(Kree-jshack). (A/N- I just felt like a pronunciation was needed here). We had been dating almost a year, then. We had said that we loved each other. I had a best friend named Lauren. We also had other friends, but you'll meet them as I progress. Also, Andy has this enemy, named Hayden. Hayden Welch. Don't ask me how they became enemies, because they used to be best friends when they were younger. Oh, I guess I should probably give you descriptions of each of us. 

Me- I'm about 5'5, I have a little bit of a muffin top, naturally brown hair, but I dye it black, brown eyes, I usually wear a lot of black eye makeup. Which makes my usually light brown eyes look darker, and I'm a total fan girl when it comes to my favorite bands and YouTubers, I love singing, and do it very well when I don't fuck it up by screaming with my friends, which, over the years has become a daily activity. We get mad about everything, all the time, and we just need the release of it when we get free, I have full lips, oh I guess I better add that I'm pan.

Andy- My personal Batman, as I liked to call him is very tall, 6'0-6'1, his hair is naturally black, he has piercing blue eyes, and I didn't even know how to describe his jawline, that's how great it is, he has a very deep voice, and, like me, loves singing, he is straight, plump lips.

Lauren- She's just an inch or two shorter than me, extremely thin and trying to put on weight, strawberry-blonde hair, recently came out as complete lesbian, beautiful brown eyes, thicker than usual lips, she can sing, but she doesn't realize it and has a very high voice that works for her, never gets a haircut of more than half an inch at a time because of her culture.

Hayden- blonde shortish hair, chocolate brown eyes, strong, but not body-builder type strong, perfect lips, I haven't heard him sing yet, but I don't want to, considering how he treats my personal Batman.

So that's us, I probably will explain the rest of our friends as they come into play, but anyway, I'd been dating Andy for almost a year now, and he'd been perfect, sweet, kind caring, gentle, never making me feel obligated to do something I don't want to. Just everything you could ever want in a man.

         Now I know what your thinking, that this is just going to be some cliché where we fight, I find another guy and me and the other guy live happily ever after but that's not what happened, but I guess for you to completely understand, I should probably start from the beginning. 

        Here goes nothing...

A/N- Okay guys, so this was the first chapter of my book, if you have any experience in writing stories, please comment 'cause this is my first book on Wattpad, and I could always use some constructive criticism, emphasis on 'constructive' please. Thanks guys. 


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