Chapter 4

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Officer Way

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Officer Way

Morgan's POV

My friends were complete sadists, but then again, so was I, when we came back from our, *ahem* "shopping session" we had found Andy, dancing around with his earbuds in, they started laughing at him in his state, but with how loud he blared his music, a trait I'd picked up from him, he didn't hear them, so after what seemed like forever, they stopped, but then laughed again, as well as me as he started twerking, they then told me when our laughter died down that they were going to leave us "alone", I shit you not, they put fucking air-quotes around 'alone'. I just glared at them, to which they responded to by scurrying out of the door. 

When he stopped twerking, and started clapping, I wrapped my arms around his waist, he immediately stiffened, but then relaxed as he breathed in deeply, he turned around, with a blush deeper than I ever thought was ever humanly possible.

He looked down at my awkward shortness and smiled at me, but then remembered what he was doing earlier, and started blushing again as I smiled knowingly at him. 

"How much of that did you see?" He chuckled as he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, which just drove me crazy, and he knew it. 

"Well Lauren, Kiara, and I saw you since before you started twerking, Miley" I teased. It was very rare that I ever caught him in moments like these. It's usually him who finds me belting out to 'Undress' by Jeydon Wale while I got dressed, and he always teased me about it, why not return the favor?

" Ugh" he replied as he leaned down by the counter to cross his arms over top of his head, clearly embarrassed that not only me, his longtime girlfriend, but also two other members of our friend group, had found him dancing.

I just chuckled and walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him intimately, he then turned around and smiled at me, he then kissed me, softly, passionately, the fireworks flying through me, just like they did the first time we kissed, but then, the kiss turned rougher, and more needy. 

He then abruptly stopped and threw me over his shoulder, and he started walking us to the bedroom we shared, I started laughing and yelling at him that I 'havefour legs that ain't broken (A/N- Ahh, SpongeBob references)'. He then crawled on top of me and our lips returned to the same position and intensity as in the kitchen and I ran my hair through his thick, black hair, moaning into his mouth.

I then pulled ever so lightly, making him groan hungrily into mine, his hand moved up my shirt and played with my bare nipple, -oh did I forget that I didn't feel like putting my bra back on when I was changing back in the lingerie store? No? Oops, my bad-, making me groan and throw my head back, to which he responded with moving his hot, hungry mouth to my neck, his hand then moved down to my leggings, and started easing his hand in.

Deciding I didn't want to give him his 'present' a day too early, I pushed him off, saying:

"Andy, wait..." He groaned, but reluctantly got off me. He knew that I wasn't ready.

"Sorry, I know you're not ready yet, I'm so sorry, I feel so bad right now, I ju-" He didn't get to finish his sentence because I ran up to him and pulled his head down, smashing his lips down on mine.

"It's okay, I know, I know, okay, you have no idea how much I know, but we will soon, okay? I promise." I smiled reassuringly at him. 

"Okay, I love you, Morgan, just know that, okay. I couldn't hurt you if I wanted to" 

"I know, I love you too, Andy." He yawned. I smiled. "Tired, Bruce?"  I asked him.

"You know me too well, Selina" he smiled his perfect smile at me. I guided him to the bed, and helped him out of his clothes and stripped naked. He groaned. I turned and he was wide-eyed, staring at me as I was bent over looking at my big shirts, looking for one to sleep in. 

I shook my head at him and picked up a grey one that says in black letters, 'DRINK COFFEE AND BE HAPPY'. He smiled at my choice, and layed back snuggling under the covers. He pulled back the covers on my side, with his arm under the pillow, waiting for me to lay there, I smiled at him. I layed down comfortably. 

His arms curled around me, happy to have me there. I buried my head into the crook of his neck, breathing in his intoxicating, relaxing, scent, and as he buried his face in my hair, I knew he was doing the same to me. His arms curled around me, and, just as I had been doing since we started sleeping in the same bed together, my insomnia vanished, and I slept comfortably next to him.


It was the day I would lose my virginity, I slipped on the whole outfit, including the ears, and did my usual makeup, I just left my hair natural; curls that I knew would most likely return to their frizzy selves by the time I got there. As soon as I was happy with my appearance, I grabbed the trench coat we also picked up, wrapped it around my body, and, eager to get to the school before he got out of his last class, started speeding to the school.

I was about three-fourths of the way to school when I heard the siren. Ugh! Now? I thought as I pulled to the side of the road. The officer looked quite attractive but nothing compared to my Andy. He was about average height, medium dark-brown hair, and medium brown eyes, thick lips. When he approached, I could see his name was Officer Frank Way on his name tag, or badge, or whatever you wanted to call it. 

"Ma'am, do you know how fast you were driving?" He asked. I rolled my eyes, annoyed at the delay of seeing my Andy.

"No, how fast was I going, Frank?" I said seductively, 'accidentally' letting the string that holds the coat together go, if my mother had taught me one thing, it was how to flirt my way out of tickets using my natural assets. He could now see the outfit I was wearing on full view as I got out, legs spread about ten inches apart.

"Um..." He cleared his throat after he was done ogling me. I batted my eyes at him, I wasn't a whore, but I sort of knew how to do this after seeing my mother doing the same, many times. "Never mind, ma'am, I forgot, have a good day." Well that was the fastest reaction I'd ever gotten from an officer.

I got back into my car and all but sped my way to the school, and turned off the engine, I sprinted my way to his classroom as fast as I could, but as soon as I stepped into the school, the bell rang. 

I got to his classroom, it was cracked open slightly, and I heard sounds not unlike the moans I heard Andy make for me the night before. I looked inside, and immediately hated the sight in front of me. 

A/N- Ooooohh! And the plot thickens, but what is the sight behind the door? Plot twist, but here is the infamous chapter 4, sort of longer than normal, I know you all are going to hate me, but chapter 5 will be up soon, I promise. Song reccommendation:Emperor's New Clothes by Panic! At The Disco. Officer Frank Way is portrayed by Matt Prokop. Yes Frank Way, is a Frerard name, lol. I love MCR, it's my second favorite band. Stay your sexyful selves.


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