Untitled Part 8

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Andy's POV* (Surprise!)

Morgan was so fucking stupid, I couldn't believe she thought I actually thought I loved her, she seemed to have moved on pretty quickly, though, every time she passed me in the hall, she wouldn't give me a second glance. 

We were in lunch and I decided to sit away from everyone I usually sat by, because I really didn't want to be there when she told all of her female friends who seemed to always have been on their period about what happened. I decided to sit by the easy sluts who would fulfill my sexual needs when Morgan would leave me hanging, or should I say stiffing.

Madison was whispering teasing dirty things into my ear, and I the same to her when Mr.Bauer hushed the cafeteria, probably to announce something they forgot to put in the paper. You heard me right we had a fucking school paper. Anyways, back to the announcement.

"Everyone, please pay close attention, a fellow student of yours would like to make an announcement." He then handed the microphone off to Hayden?! I hadn't seen much of him since I had started dating Morgan. Yeah, what I did was a really dick move, but I could tell she was a virgin, and me, being who I was, had to take it from her, and the times I thought I won, she would either climb off, or push me off. After I got that from her, I would have thrown her away, just like all the others.

"I would like to devote this to a fellow student of mine, Morgan." He walked over to her and looked deeply into her eyes, and I felt a twang of... Jealousy? Heartbreak? A mix of both? These thoughts disgusted me, she was just a game to me. I fucked it up. I was not afraid to admit when I was wrong. I may have been bitter about it but I always admitted when I was wrong sooner or later. Hayden continued.

"I have always admired you from afar, and we started hanging out recently..." What the fuck?! I could tell my old friends were having the same thoughts as me because they all turned collectively to her and gave her bug-eyed looks, just as I would have done, had I been there. She blushed and smiled sheepishly at them. Oh God, secretly, that had always been my favorite combination on her. No! You are not allowed to think like this anymore! Understand!? Okay! 

"...but I want our friendship to be something more than that. Morgan Aria Rose, will you be my girlfriend?" Okay not gonna lie, I found it kind of creepy that he found out her middle name before I had.

"Yes! Hayden Christopher Welch, I will be your girlfriend!" She smiled her widest smile at him. Wait! How did she find out his middle name!? Had she been... Paying attention to something that had to do with Hayden's life? Ugh! I was gonna throw up from the romanticism. He smiled back at her. They leaned in and kissed passionately for a while. Oooh, I felt bad for Madison's pussy when I used her to fuck that image out of my mind. 

The crowd stayed dead silent, but then there are always those few people who ship the opposite of most of the others. They start to chant "THE FEELS! THE FEELS! THE FEELS!" And soon everyone, myself excluded, started chanting with them. 

Dear Madison's Pussy, 

I am so sorry for what I'm going to do to you.

(A/N-So guys, sorry I haven't updated in a while, I just had minor writers block, I knew I wanted to do an Andy's POV, but I never knew when, so why not know what was going through Andy's head while chapter 6 was happening? Song of the chapter, Face-Down-The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. 


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