The Female Delinquent and the Bespectacled Jerk!

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 A/n: Hi guys! It's the annoying me again XD. A story just pop inside my head again and I don't know if it's good or anything, like as always, I want you to read this prologue and TELL ME YOUR COMMENTS ABOUT IT. I know I'm kinda patethic but, Please! (-/\-) 

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"Pain makes people change" 

People change because of their horrible epxeriences that which cause them agony...

Pain always does that to people...

It leads people to either two different paths...

To keep on going...

Or to destroy themselves...

To keep on going like, they are rather motivated than to be brought down....

Or to use that pain to strengthen them than to see theirselves breaks into pieces...

A little optimistic doesn't it?

But how about destruction? There won't be any keep on going without destructing?

Like, people choose to be weak than to be stronger quite the opposite of the other one...

Or to let the pain inside their hearts eat them alive than to have courage and persistency...

And now a little pessimistic doesn't it?

Is it just being pessimistic or being realistic?

Let's face it, reality always jumps in when people is falling to the abyss of pain and agony...

They have awaken from the true nature and face of reality...

They have realize that while living in their small fantasies, they were sleeping  and missing out what really lies in front of them... 

Because there is no such thing as fantasy it is just merely an illusion created by human pathetic-ness...

It is been created by people who are afraid to accept what is in front of them....

They are the type of people who criticize realist people saying that they lack of imagination and hope. 


But that's the point! They're lacking of hope because there is nothing to hold on to...

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