Chapter 9 - Understanding You

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"Hiroomi-san!" I continue scream up to the top of my lungs.

Tch! Where is she? I asked myself worringly. I kept on screaming and running just to find her. I looked for her from floor to floor and room to room. 

Well, you all know now right? Yeah. It's because I'm being haunt by delinquents again. Delinquents from other schools kept on appearing one by one and not to mention even during my class hours. Due to my seat arrangement,  my current seat is beside the window and sometimes, whenever I glanced outside there were a group of delinquents or sometimes the leader itself. 

It's been a week and these days were like hell especially for Hiroomi-san. She is always proctecting me and sacrificing her strength so that she can protect me. 

"Hiroooooomii-saaan!" I yelled.

Nervousness started invading my mind as so does worrying. I know she did promised me she'll  be protecting me but I'm not at ease when she's not by my side.

I kept on finding her from room to room and floor to floor.

What the hell!? I punched the hard wall and thought, I should be the one to protect her.

But then I heard her voice, "Yuuzaan!"  She yelled. My body quickly regained my composure and it feels like my nervousness was being drained bit by bit. With her simple voice calling my name saved me from my unease. 

"Yuuuuzaaaaann!"  She kept yelling. I followed her voice and I saw her at the school's ground at the back of the building. 

"Hiroomiiii-saaan!" I screamed back with full of ease. 

I ran down to her and I saw she has bruises everywhere. New ones to be exact. 

I just quickly nudged a hug causing for her to fall with her back first. I hugged her tight with easness and relief.

"Oiii-" I torted her words and I continued, "I'm glad that you're okay. I'm sorry if you are the one who's being hurt."


"I'm glad that you're okay. I'm sorry if you are the one who's being hurt." Yuuzan said while hugging me tightly. 

My cheeks went red faster than I thought and my heart was beating faster than the usual. I just sighed and gave back the hug.

"Please be careful next time." He whispered. 

He exhaled and continued, "I'm glad that you're okay. I was really worried." 

My face continued to blush and I was red like a tomato. He was worried? H-he Cared? I said to myself. He just chuckled and continued to hug me. Of course, because he was so near, I had the chance to smell him, and to be honest, he smells nice causing me to hug him tighter. 

Before I was going to say something we heard someone called our surnames. "Ichinose! Daiki!" 

We startled causing for us to break the hug and  looked at each other. Shoot! Someone saw us!  I thought as I continue to blush. 

We started to look everywhere to find the one who called us. Then I saw our homeroom teacher at the faculty's window, waving his hand with stack of papers. 

"Ohh. Sensei! Paper works again huh?" Yuuzan said. 


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