Chapter 4 - Yanki Hensei

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"Very well then, Welcome to Yanki Hensei" Takeo greeted Yuuzan. 

"Now, listen up you idiots. Now that I announced my slave, you are being ordered to protect him at all costs? Did your tiny brains got it?" I said in a serious tone. 

"Yeah, yeah Sukeban-san, but why him?" Akira asked while she folded her arms around her chest. 

"It's a long story actually and seriously, I just picked him up easily." I replied. 

"Is it quite dangerous Sukeban? Uhmm, you know? He might get ambushed or worst he might be Ki-" I torted Shouta's words by punching him in the guts. 

Well, I haven't told Yuuzan properly about this and I haven't Introduce The group to him.

"Enough with your warnings, I'll just explain, but before that.. Would you idiots mind to introduce yourselves?" I ordered. 

I took a little glance at Yuuzan and he was dead nervous. I exhaled and walk towards him.

"Calm down you knuckle head, They'll just go introduce themselves and after, we'll discuss something." I said so he can be at ease. 

He nodded and gave me a little smile, "Uhmm, Y-yes. Thank you Hiroomi-san." 

"Shessh! to be honest Yuuzan, you have to get use to it with this one because you'll have to stay with us." 

"Ehh? Really? B-but, not that I don't want to, but why?" He asked.

"You'll see but this time, please lend them your ears." I just replied casually. 


And after Yuuzan and I have a little chat, I put my gaze at them and they were all starting to do their own business. Seems like they're forgetting what I have ordered. 

I punched the wall really hard causing them to pay attention at me. "Oiii! You stupid shits! I told you to introduce yourselves right? Sheesh! Fine, fine! I'll do it for you lazy bastards!"

"Yey Sukeban-san!"  Kyouko cheered.

I Dropped my forehead into the palm of my hands and I thought, Sheesh! having this kind of Group is really Troublesome but I guess it can be helped.  

 "Oiiii Yuuzan! Come here!" I demanded. 

Yuuzan walk towards me and I put my right arm around him, "Now to settle things straight." 

"First of, yours truly the Gang leader of this Dan is me, Hiroomi Ichinose." 

"Second, The bespectacled guy with headphones around his neck is Shouta Kaito."

"Yooo!~~" Shouta raised his hand. 

"After him, is the guy with the blonde hair with a black jacket and kinda looks like an Emo is Hibiki Mitsuko." Hibiki just nodded.

"Fourthly, The girl with a stoic aura and pink carnation eyes is Akira Minako." Akira just continued to stare at him with her intimidating look.

"After Akira, The guy with a blue jacket and pair of black frame glasses is the Group's biggest nerd, Satoshi Kazuhiro." 

"Eyoo!~~" Satoshi greeted in a bubbly manner.

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