Harry Styles Imagine: For Bella

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“Shit shit shit,” you cursed as you ran across the school halls. You were late for your very first day at school and the books you were carrying were being a pain. Is it really necessary to have all of these books for the first semester?You ask yourself.

You dashed off through the corridors and suddenly bumped into someone. You land on the floor with a big “Oof!”, sending your books flying.

“Oh my god! I’m so sorry. I should have been more careful. Please don’t be mad,” a boy begged.

“It’s okay, it’s okay,” you say standing up and patting all the dirt away from your clothes. As you look up you were met by beautiful forest green eyes. Damn.

“L-let me help you with your books,” the boy offers shyly. He had curly brown hair that almost resembled yours but of course your hair was longer. He was really tall and was really fit. The strange boy was wearing a plaid shirt with a white tee underneath and really skinny jeans that make it seem almost painful to wear.

The boy bent down and got your books but you stopped him with a; “I’ll do it.”

He just shook his head and gave you a smile that showed off his beautiful dimples. Double damn.

“No, it’s my fault for not looking.”

As he has finished gathering all your books he gave them to you and you blushed.

“I’m Harry by the way,” he said stretching out a hand for you to shake.

You shake it shyly and reply; “I-I’m Bella.”

“Bella, that’s a nice name. I’m guessing you’re Italian?” He guesses. his grin never leaving his beautiful face.

You blush even harder  then nod. You’re heart seeming to beat even harder as he says your name. It sounds even better when Harry says it.

“T-thanks. You have a nice name too,” Damn it! You’ve never flirted before so it seems kind of awkward.

Harry scratches the back of this neck and let out a cough before speaking.

“Hey, uhmm… Bella. I was hoping to see you after school for lunch? I mean if you’re not busy. You see I’m new here. I just came from Britain and don’t really know Florida as much.”

Oh… so he’s British. That explains the posh accent.

“Yeah, s-sure.” You answer.

His grin grows even wider if that was even possible then hesitatingly hugs you before saying goodbye.

Too engrossed in the moment you forgot that you were now 20 minutes late for calculus. You curse then run off to class.

It’s going to be a long day but you just couldn’t wait to see Harry after school.

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