Harry Styles Imagine: (For Sally Tan)

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Your parents have noticed your amazing singing voice and have opted to sign you up for the X-Factor, only this time the judges are Demi Lovato, Simon Cowell and the one and only Harry Styles from One Direction. You’ve had a huge crush on the curly-haired lad ever since HE audition for the show and you can’t help but feel nervous when your name was called. 

“Sally Tan!” a guy wearing an X-Factor ID beckons for you to follow him upstage.

You hug your parents as they say “Good Luck, honey! And no matter what happens, you just sing your heart out!” 

“Thanks mum! Thanks dad!” you reply teary-eyed and add “I love you guys.”

You step on the stage and see thousands of people including the judges and a certain green-eyed, dimpled-face Chesire lad. “Harry,” you mumble, feeling butterflies in your stomach as he flashes you one of his famous dimpled-smiles.

“What’s your name?” asked Simon.

“I-I’m S-Sally Tan,” you stutter.

“All right, Sally. And what are you going to sing for us today?” questioned Demi.

“I’m going to sing ‘Girl On Fire’ by Alicia Keys,” you reply less confident than you thought it would come out.

Harry motions you to go on.

You take a deep breath as you look directly at the crowd.

“This girl is on fireeeee..............”

You finish the song and everything else seems blurry. You can hear people applauding but it sounds distant. As you look at the judges you see Demi applauding with the crowd and Simon giving you a nod and Harry smiling his most genuine smile. 

It was time for their decision and you can feel your palms sweating.

Demi was the first to speak. “You have an amazing voice! I mean like, WOW! The way you handle those high notes were amazing!” your smile grows wider as she adds, “I’ll vote, a definite YES!”

You let out a breathe of relief and turn to Simon. “I’m saying yes,” he simply says.

“Thank you! Thank you so much!” you say.

And now for Harry’s decision.

“Let me start off by saying, you look absolutely stunning!” the crowds starts to applaud and whistle at that. “And I think your voice deserves to be really heard so...... I’m saying yes!” 

You jump up and down and you feel tears of joy starting to fall down your cheeks. “Thank You! Thank you!” you mumble to them.

As you step off the stage you are greeted by your family and they immediately pull you in for a family bear hug.

“We’re so proud of you!” you hear dad mumble in your shoulders as your mum wipes of fresh tears.

Someone clears their throat behind you and when you check to see who it is, you’re greeted by sparkling emerald eyes.

“W-we’re just going to wait in the car,” your mum says in a rush and drags your father with him.

You just stare back at Harry.

A few moments of awkward silence later, you break it off with a “Hey”

Harry: “Uhmm... yeah, I- uhm... just... wanted to say, you were really good out there.”

You find it cute how he stumbles on his words so you give him a slight smile.

Sally: “Uhmm.. yeah, Thank you.” 

You feel a slight blush on your cheeks coming.

Harry: “Hey, I know it’s sudden notice but I was thinking that maybe... you’d fancy a meal with me?”

You’re a bit taken back by his words and it takes a few seconds to let it sink in.

Sally: “Y-you want to go one a date with me?”

Harry: “Well, uhmm.. yeah. If you want to.”

You give him a huge smile.

Sally: “I would be honoured, Harry.”

Harry: “Great, uhmm... I’ll pick you up at 8? You can just give me your address.”

Sally: “Sure, here.”

You give him a card with your phone number and address on it.

Harry: “Great! Uhmmm... I better go now, Simon is going to flip if he know I was gone too long.”

Sally: “Oh, okay. See you at 8?”

Harry: “See you at 8.”

He winks at you before waving good bye and running off to where ever he was needed.

You can’t believe THE Harry Styles actually asked you on a date, right after your audition for the X-Factor. You then decide that this is the best day of your life.

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