Zayn Malik Imagine: (For Festa Maliqi)

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 Valentines day and you're walking to school with your best-friends Louis,Niall,Zayn,Liam and Harry. You have been friends since kindergarten so you don't really mind that they're all boys because you're good friends with them. 

Although, through the past months, you began to question your friendship with one of them--Zayn. It's not that you don't like him anymore, it's actually quite the opposite. You began to notice how he looks at you longer with those beautiful hazel orbs of his. The way he gives you that million dollar smile of his and the way he often seems to blush when you talk to him.

You have to admit, he DOES look quite adorable when he blushes. Every time you see him butterflies erupt from your stomach. Every time your hands touch you feel sparks fly. And every time he talks, it sends shivers down your spine.

You forget for a moment that they're still there, that is until Niall lets out a loud fake cough. You look at them and see that Zayn isn't actually there.

"Where's Zayn?" you ask them.

"He went to school early. Said he needed to make a surprise for his valentine," Harry said with a shrug.

You can't help but notice Liam's smug grin.

"What's gotten you so happy, Payne?" you ask him.

"Oh, nothing..." there he goes again with that smirk.

Honestly you can't believe you even tried to ask him. 

You continue to walk until you're near the school grounds. And of course  heart shaped banners are posted everywhere. You see lots of boys giving roses to their girlfriends and lots of girls crying about how sweet their boyfriends are. You also see those lonely group of people who just stare at the happy couples. It's sad that you're actually one of those people. 

You turn to look at the boys when you notice Liam and Louis have already ran to their girlfriends and are snogging off a storm. Meanwhile, Niall is making out with a piece of chicken in the corner and Harry is flirting with a blonde girl.

You give Niall a what-are-you-doing look and he just responds with a shrug then continues to eat. You roll your eyes. "Typical Niall," you thought to yourself. 

Moments later a group of people have crowded on the football field. You rush to the front of the crowd to see Zayn on a huge stage with a huge teddy bear and a heart-shaped balloon with the words 'I Love You' written on it. He gives you a loving smile and you mirror it. You're still a bit confused as to what he's doing on a stage.

The boys have joined him while he put the teddy bear and balloon down, Zayn was the first to speak.

"So I guess you guys are wondering what we're doing with a stage on the football field," he says but never takes his eyes off you. You give him a nod as a reply, followed by the other people shouting "YEAH!" 

"Well I have something really special to give to a certain someone who I've liked for a very long time now, but she only sees me as a friend," he continues. The crowed lets out a loud "awwwwwwww" and your heart is beating faster by the minute.

"Yeah. Sad, I know. But know me and the lads here are going to show her how much I liked her," he joins the boys and music starts playing. The boys sing a very familiar song--Change My Mind, that Zayn wrote a while back.

"The end of the night

We should say goodbye

But we carry on

While everyone’s gone

Never felt like this before

Are we friends or are we more?

As I’m walking towards the door

I’m not sure

But baby if you say you want me to stay

I’ll change my mind

'Cause I don’t wanna know I’m walking away

If you’ll be mine

Won’t go, won’t go

So baby if you say you want me to stay, stay for the night

I’ll change my mind.

Lean in when you laugh,

We take photographs

There’s no music on

But we dance along

Never felt like this before

Are we friends or are we more?

As I’m walking towards the door

I’m not sure.

But baby if you say you want me to stay

I’ll change my mind

'Cause I don’t wanna know I’m walking away

If you’ll be mine

Won’t go, won’t go

So baby if you say you want me to stay, stay for the night

I’ll change my mind.

I’ll change my mind.

Baby if you say you want me to stay

I’ll change my mind

But baby if you say you want me to stay

I’ll change my mind

'Cause I don’t wanna know I’m walking away

If you’ll be mine

Won’t go, won’t go

So baby if you say you want me to stay, stay for the night

I’ll change my mind."

At the end of the song he walks up to you and holds out his hand. You take it and join him on stage. 

"What are you doing?" you ask him.

"Festa, I have liked--no, LOVED you ever since we were in kindergarten. I love everything about you but I can't help that you only think of me as a friend. But I was wondering if you would like to take our friendship to a new level. Festa Maliqi, would you like to be my girlfriend?" he says as Liam hands him the balloon and teddy bear and Zayn gives them to you.

You feel yourself tear up and you look at Zayn to look for signs of him lies but you find none. You leap up and hug him tightly and say, "YES! YES, ZAYN! IN EVERY DAY OF MY LIFE, YES!" You then start to sob out happy tears.

He puts you down and wipes the tears on your cheek with his thumb. Zayn then starts leaning in and you do too. Seconds later your lips connect and you kiss each other passionately.The crowd cheers loudly and you hear the rest of the lads whistling and howling madly. When you pull away, much to your disliking but you had to breathe at some time, Zayn whispers to you "I Love You."

"I Love You Too, Zayn," you respond.

And that is the start of a wonderful relationship.

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