Chapter 3

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I wake up with a groan. I hate mornings. I walk to my bathroom and take a shower I hiss in pain when the hot water stings my bruises last night.

I step out of the shower and wrap myself in a fluffy towel and walk into my room and pick out my outfit for the day and pack my soccer bag with gym clothes and soccer gear

And walk to down the stairs and see my brothers eating pancakes "hey guys" I say grabbing a pancake off of the tray "hey" they all greet in unison "are our guys going to the falls tonight" I ask (the falls is where we streetfight) "yeah probably w...

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And walk to down the stairs and see my brothers eating pancakes "hey guys" I say grabbing a pancake off of the tray "hey" they all greet in unison "are our guys going to the falls tonight" I ask (the falls is where we streetfight) "yeah probably why?" Matt ask "I was just wondering. But I need to talk to Jimmy tonight so I probably won't fight tonight but I'll watch" I say smiling at them
"Okay well you have school and so do we so get, go" Logan says shooing me away

I hold my hand to my heart " you don't want me here" I say faking hurt

"Yeah now go you'll be late" Will says pushing me to the door

"Fine. I love you guys" I shout walking to my bike with my bag slung over my shoulder and drive to school.

When I get to school I get a few stares from guys and glares from girls but whatever. I was at my locker switching out my books wen I am approached by some girl. She has beach blonde hair and hazel eyes but her face in general looks fake really she looks like a slut. "Hi I'am Michelle you must be the new girl...Reese" she says

I give her a blank stare "And?" I ask in a get to the point tone

"Well I saw you at tryouts yesterday and noticed you took the captains position and I just wanted to congratulate you because I thought you did well" she says and skips away before I could answer her. Wow her voice is so annoying it makes me want to run myself over with a truck..10 times. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I am approached by yet another person "well you just meet Michelle, she is annoying but is respected but a total bitch" the guy says to me

"You know I was thinking the same thing" I say in a matter a fact tone

"I'm Charles by the way but you can call me Charlie" he says putting his hand out for me to shake "Charlie go away" a voice says from behind me. I turn around and see Carson "hello to you too Carson" Charlie says then the bell rings ad we walk to math together. I push open the door and Carson and I take a seat in the back of the classroom. She sits next to Charlie and I sit at an empty table by myself I plug in my headphones and turn on music when the door slams open and two more guys walk in one of them being that dick from yesterday (Caleb) and the other one I don't recognize. The teacher gives them a sour face and tells them to sit down Cameron the one I didn't recognize sits next to me and right when he sits down I feel pain shoot through my body. Caleb that asshole pushed me out of my chair. A few chuckles go through the classroom but stop when I stand up with anger flowing through me and if looks could kill that boy would be dead and six feet under. "Listen up asshole touch me again an I will not think twice about burying you got it" I hiss pointing my finger at him and he smirks like out of all facial expressions he smirks "listen cupcake you need to calm down and next time don't sit in my seat" he says gesturing to the chair "well next time don't be such a dick" I spat "stop it right now both of you sit down and if you argue on more time you will have detention" the teacher says "oohhhh I'm so scared" I say shaking my hands in mock fear "that's it young lady both of you have detention and that's final"

"Whatever" I mumble and sit down in my original seat while Caleb takes a seat in front of Cameron and I. After our 'incident' I left Caleb alone but I had no such luck Caleb and I had math, p.e., life skills and chemistry together and he was just so annoying but it's lunch time now so yay. I walk to my table which it's just Carson and I sitting in a back table but whatever. I was sitting with Carson and we were talking

"So do you want to go shopping today after school?" She asked

"Yeah sure" I say trying to sound cool but really I love shopping like even though most stores are crap I love trying on clothes and stuff like that.

"Okay cool" she pauses "don't look now but the queen bitch (Michelle) and mr. Badboy (Caleb) are lipped locked like a zip lock" she says

I turn my head and see them making out which resembles them eating each other's faces. "Barf" I say making gagging noises as I get up to throw away my plate. It is really gross like have they ever heard of no PDA? As I walk over to the garbage which is near them "*cough* slut *cough* *cough*" I say throwing away my plate. At that comment they brake apart and Carson playfully slaps my arm.

"What did you just call me?" Michelle asks with her face turning red

"Nothing, I was just saying you don't have to drop your panties every time a guy walks by" I say calmly

"Well mate you shouldn't be a bitch all the time and people might actually want to be your friend" she says grinning

"Well at least I don't prance around school acting like I own the whole god damn place" I say with venom dripping from my words

"Bitch" she spats

"You better watch it before I break that fake nose of yours" and that comment earns some snickers throughout the cafeteria

Then she slaps me "try me bitch" she hisses and that's when I snap. I punch her and hear a deafening crack of bones and she falls to the ground clutching her bloody nose. I let out a low chuckle and straddle her waist and land punch after punch to her face I was about to punch her a third or fourth time till a pair of arms wrap around my waist and pull me back and to be honest I was shocked to see it was.......................

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