chapter 11

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NEXT DAY......

I woke up before my alarm. I didn't get much sleep last night because I was still thinking about the offer I got last night at the race track. I also wonder about Charlie he doesn't seem like the gang leader type and Isaac he was sweet but not my type. "Uhh" I sigh and push my thoughts side so I can focus on now and what I'm going to wear to school but first I have to shower. So I walk my bathroom and turn on the water and let it warm up while I strip out of my clothes once I step in the shower I let the hot water flow over my body while I shampoo and condition my hair along with washing my body when I finish doing all that jazz I step out and wrap myself in a towel and walk to my wardrobe and pick out my outfit (up top or to the side in picture section).

Once I'm dressed I walk down the stairs and grab an apple because my brother's still aren't home and I can't cook worth a lick. But once I have my keys to the Jeep I drive to school and upon arrival I see Carson, Ella and the rest of the group waiting for me but with them I saw Isaac, like how does he even know them he seemed to nice to know them no offence to my friends but they can be mean sometimes I mean in all honesty they are in a gang together.

I lock my car and sling my bookbag and soccer bag over my shoulder and walk to the group. When I reach them I am greeted with a smile from all of them so I return it but then something dawns on me Caleb was supposed to give me the baby so I pull him to the side and ask him about it "hey Caleb what happened to the baby we are supposed to be taking care of?"

"Oh I didn't tell you Monday night when I got home my sister looked taking care of it so much I'm letting her play with it for the rest of the week so I'll give it to you Friday after school" he explains

"Okay" I say and rejoin the group

"Hey Reese what was that about?"

"Oh that damn baby" I say


"Shit that's the tardy break and I haven't even put my stuff up" I say as I hurry to my locker. Once I put in my combo I start pulling books out and putting some back in but then my locker slams shut and I am greeted by Isaac "hello to you too" I say with a smile. But I'm worried what if he remembers me "so 'lexi' if that's even your real name or would you prefer I call you you Reese?"

"Ah so you do remember me... Well I'll give you an explanation but first off it can't be here and you can't tell anyone or I'll have to kill you"I say in a serious tone but I was really joking but he doesn't know that

"So where do you suggest we go?" He ask impatiently

"Let's go to the library"

Once I have him at the library which type some time because let me tell you this: that boy is not very trusting and is really strong. But on another note once we are seated I start explaining

"Well my actual name is Reese but when I'm streetfighting or off racing I go by Lexi. I find it better that the proper I beat don't know my real name so they can't come after me and try to kill me or my brother's. So now that all of that is out of the way do you have any questions?"

"How do I know I can trust you?" He asks

"Well...." I say while I pull a knife from my pencil pouch "if I want to kill you or any of your friends I could've and would've done it by now" I say and the return my knife back to its rightful spot in my pencil pouch

"Fine your free to go" he says

"You said that like I needed you permission" I say before walking away and to my first class. Math oh how I hate math.

When I arrive at math"I am greeted by the teacher "miss Montgomery why are you late?" He asks in a stern voice

"Phh you should be happy I'm gracing you with my presence at all"I say with a smirk

"Just take your seat"

"What no detention?" I ask in a upset voice

"Why bother giving it to you if you don't even show up?"

"Touche" I say talking my seat

"Okay class today we will be working on......" After that I just tune him out because Carson started talking to me

"Where are you" she asks "oh come on like you were worried" and that would've been the end of you conversation but she gives me the look you mother gives you when she finds out you for in trouble "fine jeez I'll explain later" I say in defeat
The rest of school I just dilly dally and do nothing except talk to my friends and eat but mainly I was wondering about what would happen at soccer practice, the first practice since our teams combined. It should be very interesting.

Aloha readers,
So I hope you like this update in atom out of school because of break so I might have another chapter coming your way. But what did you think? Leave thoughts on the comments oh and I was also thinking about making a cat so if you could comment who you think should play who comment those to. And like always.. Like.... Comment and vote

-Cole 💋

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