chapter 18

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I wake up in a dark room with a throbbing pain in my leg from where I broke my leg. There are no windows and one out of the the lights are flickering. I'm still a little dazed but I hear the sound of a heavy door slam

"Ah you're awake" a guy says he has dark hair and stormy grey eyes, he looks around Logan's age

"What do you want" I groan

"It's that a way to talk to such an old friend" he says. I give him a puzzled look. He grabs my face forcing me to look at him "take a closer look" he says


Michael was a very old friend we meet when I was fifteen, six months after my parents were murdered and the police were still investigating. When we meet I got mixed up into some pretty bad things and he used it against me. So while they were investigating he use those bad things against me and at one point he tried to get me to admit to murdering my parents which I didn't do. But luckily they found evidence that pointed to someone else, his gang. Then my brother's found out and they hunted him down and best him to a pulp and left him for dead, they were really mad. And until now I thought he was dead but I guess not.

"You guessed correctly" he says

By now I've gotten my head into the right state and I realized who I was talking to I got mad.

"What do you want with me?" I asked sourly

"Well it's pay back time" he says wickedly

"Why now" I asked

"Well it took me a while to track you down and when I did I saw how comfortable you had gotten here and that just made me uneasy so here I am" he says with venom laced into his voice as he circles around me

"So here's pay back" he whispers into my ear from behind

***Caleb pov*******

The bell rings for lunch, I go through the line and buy an apple and sit at my usual table waiting for the rest of the group, slowly they all file in everyone but Reese.

"Where's Reese?" I ask

"Well in first period her and our teacher guy into an argument and she left so I guess she went home" Carson explains

"Why does it matter?" Cameron asks

"Well with everything going on I just want everyone to be safe" I say

"Maybe you should call Logan just to make sure" Ella says

"Maybe I will" I say getting up out of my seat and walking outside to the courtyard. I dial Logan's number and the phone starts ringing

"Hello" Logan answers

"Hey Logan is me, Caleb"

"Hey dude what's up?" He asks

"Nothing I was just wondering if Reese got home safely"

"Why would she be home she supposed to be at school" he asks

"Um her and one of the teachers got into a fight so I just thought she went home"

"No, she isn't here. Should I be worried?" He asks

"Yeah you should meet us in the school parking lot in ten minutes, bring Will and Matt too"

"Okay" he says before hanging up

I walk back to the table "hey guys get your stuff we're leaving" I say

"Why?" Ella asks

"Don't ask, just get your stuff and meet me in the parking lot" I say

We all go our separate ways, I go to my locker and quickly shove my stuff into my bag. I walk to the parking lot and see everyone already there "Reese is missing, why didn't you tell me" Carson yells at me

"Calm down we will figure this out but we need to go to my house so we can get some weapons" Matt says

"Matt's right we need to go" I say we all pile into our cars and go to Logan's

When we get there Logan unlocks the door and leads us into his living room " follow me" he says. He pushes the rug up revealing a door built into the floor, he opens it up and leads down a stair case and to another door. Logan puts in a pin and the door opens revealing a weapons room "pick a weapon of your choice" Matt says

I grab a standard hand gun and a switch blade then I turn to the rest "so does anyone have any idea where she might be?" I ask

"What we really need to figure out is who took her" Carson says

"Well she did say something about the gang that kilt her parents contacting Michelle" Cameron says

"Well if they did take her they are probably some where obvious because they aren't from around here so they don't know the good spots to take someone" Will says

"So if you were a first time kidnapper where would you go?" Ella muses

"Okay if it was my first time kidnapping I would go to the abandoned hospital, there aren't many windows and is abandoned so you wouldn't run the risk of anyone their" I say

"Okay then to the abandoned hospital we go" Will says

We take a thirty minute drive to the abandoned hospital when we get there we rush to the door "it's locked" Cameron says jiggling the lock. "I have lock cutters in my truck" Ella says

"Why?" I asked baffled

"For reasons like this, when I need to cut open a lock" she explains

"Just get them" Matt orders

Ella eyes to her car and runs back with the cutters in hand. "Here" she says out of breathe. I take the cutters and open the lock and we all hurry in with our weapons ready

"Guy let's divide into two groups one with me, Carson, Will and the other with Cameron, Logan, Matt and Ella" I say. They follow the order "one take the West wing and the other take the East wing" I add, the other group makes the way down the hall way, but they don't make it fast before we hear the piercing sound of gun shots. And forget the plan and rush to where the sound originated, and what I saw left me speechless.

Aloha readers,
Thank you for reading. But I have some questions:
*What do you think happened?
*Did you like the cliffhanger?
* Add finally what do you think of Michael?
Think about those while I work on the next chapter and don't forget to like, comment and vote.

           -Cole 💋

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