Chapter 6

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm. Today is finally Friday. School had been okay I guess minus the fact that I want to rip Caleb and Michelle's throats out I have been alright. My brothers left town last night because they have a meeting with the coach of some pro soccer team that I forgot the name of. But they will be gone for two and a half weeks so I'm gonna get my party on all weekend. I walk to the shower and strip taking a long hot shower while listening to some music. I go to my wardrobe and pick out an outfit and put on my 'wedding ring'. I hate that thing because it's a constant reminder that I have to be partners with Caleb for a whole semester and I have to take care of that dumb plastic baby which we get today. Unfortunately.

I put my hair up into a high pony tail with my raven hair in waves and I walk down the stairs and grab an apple as I walk to my jeep

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I put my hair up into a high pony tail with my raven hair in waves and I walk down the stairs and grab an apple as I walk to my jeep. When I turn on my car love on the brain by Rihanna comes on and I jam out until I pull up in the school parking lot and park in my usual parking space.
When I reach my locker I see Carson and Charlie talking near my locker.

"hey guys" I greet

"Hey" they say in unison

" so I was wondering if you wanted to sleep over this weekend" Carson asks

"Yeah. Sure"

"We could go to your place so you can get some clothes then we can go to my place and hang out, then there is this huge party going down at Cameron's so we could go to that too" she adds. I nod my head and follow her to math.


"Okay class today you get your babies you will take care of them this weekend then on monday you will drop them off first thing that morning and then you will pick them up at the end of the school will do that all week then take it home every weekend" our teacher instructs

"you and your partner will have to work out a schedule to take care of the get with your partner and start working" he adds

I groan and walk over to Caleb and sit down "your taking the baby this weekend" we say in unison

"Hell no I'm going to Cameron's party" I say

"Yeah well I'm helping him throw it" he says

"fine you take it today and tomorrow and I'll take it Sunday and Monday" I say

"fine" he agrees

"So be at Carson's house around ten o'clock sunday.....I'll give you her address" I say

"whatever" he responds

After that the rest of class consist of Carson and I talk and the boys annoying us but whatever they're pretty cool even Caleb sometimes.

The rest of school past by pretty quickly and right now I'm at my house pick out clothes to take to Carson's "What should I bring" I ask her "Well you should bring a few outfits for partying, some pajamas and a few casual outfits" she says I nod and start pulling clothes from my wardrobe. I finished packing and all I need is to put my gun in my bag just in case anything happens "Can you get my toothbrush from my bathroom?" I ask "Yeah" she says and walks to my bathroom once I know she is gone I run to my nightstand and take my gun out and slip it into my bag. Carson walks out with my toothbrush in hand I give her a small thanks and walk to my car so I can follow her.

I arrive right behind her and see a nice house similar to mine

I follow her in and see the boys sitting in the living room along with two fake babies one is mine and the others is Carson and Cameron's "Why are they here" I whisper to Carson "Charlie is my twin brother" she say I give her an oh look and follow...

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I follow her in and see the boys sitting in the living room along with two fake babies one is mine and the others is Carson and Cameron's "Why are they here" I whisper to Carson "Charlie is my twin brother" she say I give her an oh look and follow her to her room.


I walk into the party and it is already in full swing I was wearing a burgundy dress and let me just say I look hot.

"I'm going to get a drink" I yell over the music and walk to where the kitchen is, I go to grab two beers one for me and one for Carson but someone reaches for the same one I do

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"I'm going to get a drink" I yell over the music and walk to where the kitchen is, I go to grab two beers one for me and one for Carson but someone reaches for the same one I do. I look up and see Caleb "What are you doing here?" I ask "I'm partying" he answers in a duh tone "Well no shit but who is watching our baby because unlike you I care about my grade and don't want to fail" I say "Oh my god would you calm down I left that stupid thing with my little sister and thank you very much I do care about my grade" he says. OMG this boy I swear "You left it with your little sister" I ask getting annoyed "Yeah" he says in a duh tone I groan and grab the beers and walk away. I see Carson dancing so I drink her beer along with mine and before I know it I'm a little tipsy.....Okay really tipsy, I stand up on a table with my tenth vodka shot and raise it in the air "Body shots" I yell over the loud music and chug my shot as cheers erupt through the crowd. I take off my dress leaving me in a bra and underwear and lay down on a table as guys line up the first guy is Caleb and I would have protested but I really could care less. He downs the shot and licks the salt up my stomach I giggle as his tongue runs up my stomach and his lips press against mine as he gets the lime out of my mouth.

The party ends at around three am and it's just Carson, Cameron, Charlie, Caleb and I left I'm still drunkish so I think I'm just going to crash at Cameron's with everyone else. I start picking up empty cups when I come across a bag of weed. "Hey guys wanna get high?" I ask holding the bag up with a smirk on my face I get a chorus of 'yeahs' and 'why not's' so I take the weed out and roll two joints. we sit in a semi-circle with Carson and I on the ends. I take a hit and pass it to Charlie who is next to me we do this for a while till some one suggest we play spin the bottle Carson spins and it lands on Cameron. then it's my turn I spin it and it lands on Caleb I roll my eyes and reach over smashing my lips to his. Even though I don't like him he is a good kisser I pull back with a smirk and we continue the game.

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