Chapter 1: Heartbreak after thanksgiving

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*flashback *

"We need to talk." Gianna said

For some reason, those were the words i feared the most, but however, i thought nothing of it.

"Jamaal, i think we should see other people." Gianna told me.

I nearly spat out my water when those words came out of her mouth, as with those words, i knew that a break up was coming.

"W-What?" I was stunned

"I'm here to tell you that's it's over."

"Was it something i did?" I asked, tears in my eyes that she was breaking up with me.

"No, you were really good to me, but for some reason, the feeling has faded." She explained to me.

"Is there someone else?" i nearly whispered.

"Well, yeah. There's this new guy named Aaron Lucas that i like more. Abby hired him a couple of weeks ago that caught my attention. I am really sorry that i had to do this, but it has been an awesome 8 months of dating you, you are really a charmer." She told me.

"Now i'm gonna be alone for christmas." I moped, tears rolling down my face as my heart was broken.

She wiped them. "You never know, you might not be alone. So i want you to do this for me, move on and find someone who has feelings for you and that the feeling that she has for you will never fade and i know she'll light up your world when it's dark." Gianna then left my apartment and before she reached the door, she looked at me with a sad look on her face. "We can still be friends though." then she walked out the door, i was too heartbroken to speak and then i fell down on the couch and began sobbing.

*End Flashback*

Three weeks later on December 17th, i woke up and i still wasn't feeling like my usual self since last night because of the break up. My eyes were still red from all of the crying i did last night over thinking about that memory, but my eyes were not as red. i slowly got up from my bed and walked to the shower, i then put on a sweater, jeans and some boots.

"Can't believe i'm single again." I muttered with some sadness in my voice and i logged on my facebook and changed my relationship status to "single" and immediately after that, a lot of women my age or older, started messaging me by telling me that they'll be my girlfriend, that made me feel a little better until i saw Gianna's profile and the picture of her and Aaron kissing. Aaron had long hair like Joakim Noah and he was 5'6.

"Maybe a trip to the mall might cheer me up." i sadly said as i turned off the computer and headed out and put on a jacket, i climbed my new Cadillac SUV and headed down the road an i pulled up to the mall after a few minutes, i got out and headed in the mall and entered and while i was doing some walking with a lot of women smiling at me.

"He's good looking." One woman said.

"No, he's not just good looking, he is hot with dreads!" A girl around my age grinned as she waved at me, and i waved back. My mood was beginning to get better until i saw Gianna and the guy she's now seeing, i felt a little jealousy in my bones, but i decided not to let it show as i walked up to them.

"Hi, Gianna." I greeted with

"Oh, hi Jamaal." She replied to the greeting from me

"Jamaal, this is Aaron. Aaron, this is my ex-boyfriend, Jamaal." Gianna introduced us and i reluctantly shook his hand.

"Pleasure to meet you, Aaron." I said.

"Nice to meet you too, man." He greeted back.

"I know you're still sad that i broke up with you, but look on the bright side, we saw a lot of women staring at you slyly and you're a handsome, caring man." Gianna reassured me.

"Yeah, man. I bet they'd give up their hair just to be with you." Aaron added.

"Well...uh...thanks." i said nervously, then i saw them cuddling the same way that Me and Gianna used to cuddle. "I'm gonna head somewhere else now."

"Ok, be careful." Aaron told me as i did some christmas shopping for the girls, the moms and Abby. Then an hour later, i left the mall, walked into the parking lot of the mall and got in my truck and a romantic christmas song was playing on the radio, but i turned it off because it was the holidays.

After i left, Gianna and Aaron were still sitting down on the bench that they had been sitting on for a while, but she had a worried look, like when things were about to go wrong as Aaron noticed the look on her face.

"Gia, what's wrong?"

"I think Jamaal needs someone who'll love him with all of her heart." Gianna suggested.

"You're right, i saw him looking kind of sad." Aaron admitted

"Maybe i can find someone to be there for him, and i know the person." Gianna said as they got up and did some more walking around the mall. Meanwhile, i'm driving down the street as i am deep in thought about seeing Gianna move on so quick, i felt that we were gonna be together forever, but now that left a huge hole in my heart as i pulled up in to a diner.

"I can't believe Gianna moved on so quick, well if Aaron makes her happy, then i'll accept it." I muttered to myself and got out of the car and walked into the diner and at the far corner, i see Melissa sitting down, eating a hamburger.

"Hey, Melissa."

"Hi, Jamaal." She said, then she noticed my glum look as i sat down. "What's the matter."

"Gianna and i broke up, she found someone else."

"What? i thought you two would last forever." Melissa told me

"I thought so as well, but i guess the fates had other plans."

"Well, i guess it had to be that way, but however, you may find yourself with someone who will be you real true love and she'll love you for you." She explained

"Thanks, Melissa. i needed that because i needed someone to talk to so i could try to get over my heartbreak." I said, slightly feeling better.

"Anytime." She gave me a hug and left the diner, i ate a hamburger and when i was done, i left and headed home.

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