Chapter 2: Heart to Heart Talk

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It was eight days until Christmas and at the Abby Lee Dance Company, Abby was in her office doing some paper work while Christmas music was playing on her radio, she also had a saddened look because it was another christmas without having someone she loved with all of her heart and also it has been one year passing of her poodle, Broadway Baby.

"I miss you, Baby." Abby choked up, looking at a picture of her, me and Broadway Baby, but her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. "Come in." The door opened and at the door way was her assistant choreographer.

"Gianna?" Abby questioned.

"Can i talk to you?" Gianna asked

"Sure what's going on?"

"Well i broke up with Jamaal three weeks ago." She admitted, with a pained tone.

"What? i thought you loved him since i introduced you two last july." Abby said with a stunned look on her face.

"I thought i did to but for some reason, the feeling just faded. He was too upset about it, so i want you to check on him to make sure that he will be ok. i still care deeply about him, but as a friend, i just didn't love him like i used to. So i thought that maybe you could be there for him."

"Why me? Why not the moms?"

"I think it is obvious." Abby had a confused look on her face. "He's very close to you then anyone in the ALDC. I'd even go as far as to say that he loves you like he was your son. You've known him since he was little, you've known many things about him that his family told you and i think the best thing to happen is for you to be there for him when he needs it the most." Gianna explained.

Abby was thinking about doing that and then she thought "Maybe i might fall in love with him

"I thought to myself that before the breakup that if i couldn't make Jamaal happy, and i know someone who could, I'm ok with that. I'd rather see him happy loving someone who actually loved him, not somebody who tried too hard to have feelings that were gone since last month."

Abby didn't say anything. "So will you help him?" The dark haired dance teacher was in silence for a few minutes, letting everything sink in her mind.

"I will do it."

"Thanks, Abby and you never know, you might find love on or before christmas." Gianna said as she left the office and went to teach a class and then i came in the studio, then the girls all came in and gave me a hug, it made me feel better.

"We're sorry that You and Gianna broke up." Kalani and Nia both said to me.

"But someone will be in love with you, we know it." Maddie added.

"Thanks girls, i needed that hug because i was feeling down today." I admitted. "How did you know about the break up?"

"Well, mom told us the story about what happened. She said that you were really sad about it." Mackenzie stated, with sympathy in her eyes.

"We're gonna help you feel better." Kendall said.


"It's a surprise, come on girls Let's get ready." Maddie said as she and the rest of the girls all go to the dancers den to change into their dance costumes for the surprise dance that they were gonna do later, then my thoughts were interrupted by a distinctive, scratchy voice.

"Jamaal?" I turned around to see who called me, and in front of me was Abby, who had a concerned look on her face as she saw me looking glum, but she knew why.

"Did Gianna tell you why she decided to break up with me?" I asked Abby

"She told me that her feelings for you faded. She also wanted me to be here for you."

Abby saw Me looking a slight mess. She saw how much i was hurting from the break up. I was saddened, heartbroken and wasn't my cheery self that i usually am. She understood, seeing that Me and Gianna had been together for eight months, but she knew that i needed someone because christmas was approaching.

"Have you ever loved someone who loved you back?" I then mumbled, but Abby could tell what i was saying as her as my brown eyes stared at her green ones.


"How's he like?" I asked in an intrigued voice.

"Well the guy i'm in love with is a very funny guy, he's a charmer, he can make not only me laugh, but he can make the girls laugh too and he is helpful and amazing. He's somewhat tall, muscular. He's also got long dreadlocks and brown eyes." Abby cast a quick look at me, hoping that i hadn't noticed that she was describing me.

"Not to be nosy or anything, but did you get a chance to date him?" I wanted to know.

"Nope, not a chance. I found out he had a girlfriend." Abby sighed.

"That's terrible, i bet you and him would make a great couple." I said.

"We certainly would." Abby smiled, relieved that i didn't catch wind that i fit that description, then i decide to head to Studio A, to see what was going on, then i see something from the corner of my eye, i see Gianna and Aaron playing with each other's hairs, smooching as i then head in the Studio and i see the Girls wearing christmas costumes.

"What's this?" I asked

"We're gonna do a christmas medley for you, we're calling it the holiday cheer medley." Nia explained as she went to the laptop and the first song that played was "All i want for christmas" by Mariah Carey as the girls begin to dance, they do some ball changes, arabesques, jetes and leaps to the music and then after that song, the next track is "Santa Claus is coming to town." by the Jackson 5 and at the beginning, they begin to reverse back in timing to the beat and after another spectacular dance, the next songs that came on were "Christmas Rappin" by Kurtis Blow and "This Christmas" by The Temptations

"That was amazing!" I exclaimed, while applauding their medley. "Did Abby teach you guys that?"

"Nope, we came up with it ourselves, that dance was for you because we knew you were feeling down because you and gianna broke up, so we did this dance because we love you like family." Mackenzie replied to my question as they all gave me a hug.

"Thanks, girls."

"You're very welcome." Kendall said as i then headed to the desk where Holly was talking to Gianna and Aaron, i knew i had to make peace with being single again so i came up to them as they looked at me.

"I'll leave you guys to talk." Holly said as she left to talk with the other moms

"Hey, uh...Gianna?" I then broke the ice.


"If Aaron makes you happy, then i'm happy for you." I told her.

"That's very nice of you." Gianna said, giving me a hug. "And i hope that you'll find someone that'll make you the happiest man in the world."

"Thanks and Aaron? a little advice, make sure you keep Gianna happy, ok?" I asked.

"Sure, man." He shook my hand as i accepted the handshake, then i left and headed home for the night, finally at peace over the break up, but little did i know, love would come my way again. I got to my penthouse apartment and changed into a t-shirt and walk around pants, jumped in the bed around 11:30 PM and fell asleep.

A Dance Moms Christmas (Abby Lee Miller/OC Romance)Where stories live. Discover now