Chapter 10: The Jig Is Up (LAST CHAPTER!)

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At around 6:30 AM, i opened my eyes and i looked ouside and it was snowing, also it was my favorite day besides my birthday, which is in august since i was born, christmas morning had officially arrived and with it snowing outside, it was going to be a great christmas.

Then i also noticed an arm around me and breathing on my neck, which makes the hairs on my body stand up, i turned around and saw Abby smling at me, with no makeup but nonetheless, she was looking amazing no matter what, her hair was hanging down, she was, to my amazement wearing her usual shirt with the Abby Lee Dance Company logo on the front, but the shirt is colored red, the logo is colored green and her yoga pants are colored red as well.

"Merry Christmas, Abby." I said.

"Merry Christmas to you too my dear Jamaal." She responded, giving me a christmas kiss, and i noticed that she was wearing the necklace i gave her, which makes me even happier as i then grabbed my Penguins jersey and jeans for me to put on for the Christmas Party at my apartment.

"I have a surprise for you." Abby said.

"You do? what is it?" I asked, with an intrigued look on my face.

"Well, let's go to the kitchen and the surprise will be there." Abby took my hand and we left my room and headed to the kitchen and to my surprise, there was breakfast on the table and the girls and their moms were sitting down, smiling at me.

"Merry Christmas, Jamaal!" The girls and the moms said to me as i sat down.

"Merry christmas to you all, too." I replied and after we said grace, we began to eat breakfast and after breakfast, we headed to the living room where the tree and the presents were and after the girls offered me to open my presents first, i do so and after that, the girls started opening theirs up.

"Girls, Abby and i have something important to tell you and your mothers." I then said as they were opening the presents that Me, Abby and the moms bought for them.

"Let's hear it!" Melissa told us.

"Ok, everyone." Abby started. "What we have to say is very important because it may affect everyone. For a while i have been hiding true feelings for someone."

"What's going on?" Jill asked, Abby shot a glare at her as she looked at me, which was my cue to speak.

"That we're no longer single now." I added. "With Abby helping me get through my heartbreak from the day after thanksgiving, i knew that someone was there for me."

"To make it short and sweet, Jamaal and i are now a couple, because we found each other in ways that couldn't be described." Abby then finished.

The moms had shocked looks on their faces, but the girls have eager smiles on their faces as their suspicions about Me and Abby were confirmed, we had finally let the cat out of the bag and everyone wanted to know

Maddie and Chloe gasped, knowing what they suspected all along. "Jamaal and Miss Abby love each other!" Chloe blurted out.

"About time, too!" Brooke added.

"I had a feeling that those two would fall in love!" Nia said.

"Awww, that is the best thing to ever happen to Miss Abby." Mackenzie smiled.

"I never thought that Abby would ever find someone who would love her." Kalani stated.

"Miss Abby's finally happy!" Kendall laughed.

"I'm very happy for you, Miss Abby!" Maddie said, giving both of us a hug. "As long as Mr. Jamaal treats you right, i'm happy."

"Thanks, Maddog." I said.

A Dance Moms Christmas (Abby Lee Miller/OC Romance)Where stories live. Discover now