Chapter 7: Finding the presents

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At the ALDC, i'm changing from my Blackhawks Jersey, pants and shoes into a red Santa Claus suit, white beard, hat, boots and all, the girls and their moms were making the decoy gifts to fool Cathy and they were being put in a red bag and they would also be used to switch them for the real ones.

"You know this will only take 2 hours for him to get from here to Canton." Kalani said as i was getting ready for my mission called Operation Presents.

"Cathy won't know what hit her." Abby chuckled, seeing me in the santa suit.

"She'll think he's the real Santa Claus. What a dork!" Kelly laughed.

"Cathy is the biggest dork in the world, her brain is the size of a very small hairpiece." Kira said, which caused all of the girls to laugh at that insult about cathy.

"Jamaal does look kinda cute in a santa suit." Melissa added, which caused my face to turn red with embarassment.

"Seeing him in red makes me wanna melt!" Holly chuckled.

"He already looks like santa claus since his face turned red." Mackenzie stated, causing the girls to laugh at me and even the other moms were laughing too as i rolled my eyes.

"I've should have had a V8." I muttered, which caused everyone to laugh even harder from what i said, i just shook my head, trying to stay focused on the mission at hand

"Be careful, ok, Jamaal?" Kendall asked me.

"I will, Kendall K, and to make sure we keep in touch, i have walkie talkies to update you guys on my status and if anything comes up, i'll let you know." I said, checking out some last minute details for my car.

Meanwhile, at the Candy Apples Dance Center, Cathy was smiling broadly after sending Yvette to steal the presents from Abby and the girls, even the CADC's girls and their mothers were all gleeful that they got more presents.

"Abby, the girls and their moms are gonna have a miserable christmas! That's what Abby gets for calling my hadley roadkill!" Yvette laughed.

"Yeah, even if they made gifts from their hearts, that wouldn't be the same, because it'll make them feel even worse than before!" Patsy sneered, drinking some water.

"Do you know who's gonna feel worse?" Gina asked.


"That dreadlocked ruffian that used to live in Chicago." She said, referring about me, but little did they know, i was on my way to get those presents back.

Meanwhile, i was driving on the expressway to Canton from Pittsburgh to play Santa Claus, trick Cathy and Co., grab the real presents and get out of there and head back, that was all i had to do, nothing more around 2:00 PM, i crossed the Pennsylvania-Ohio border.

"Ok, here we go." I said to myself as i still on the Expressway leading to canton and i got off somewhere near canton, and after many turns and detours that i had to deal with, i finally reached the Candy Apples Dance Center, home of Cathy and her Apple Core team, that constantly loses to Abby and her dancers because the dancers at the ALDC were trained by Abby herself. I pulled out my walkie talkie.

"Jamaal to ALDC, i made it safely, over." I said

"Thanks for letting us know. Ok, now get the decoys and bring them in and trick them into accepting them, and when they're distracted, you switch the decoys for the real presents. over." Abby said over the Walkie Talkie.

"Got you. over." I replied, as i got out of the SUV and headed to the back and open the back and opened the door and grabbed the bag of fake presents, i closed the door and walked to the door and knocked and after a minute of waiting cathy came to the door and realized that Santa Claus was at the door, but she doesn't know that i'm under the suit.

"Merry Christmas!" I said, disguising my voice as Santa.

"It's Santa Claus! Come on in!" Cathy said excitedly as i entered the studio and lead me to the main studio room, where her dancers and their moms are just enjoying themselves.

"Hey everyone, look who's come earlier than christmas eve!" She shouted in joy as i walked in, dressed as Santa Claus, unbeknowst to the dancers at the Canton studio and their mothers that i was under the suit, getting ready to trick them by putting the decoy presents in the place of the real presents.

"Merry Christmas to everyone here in the Candy Apples Dance Center!" I said, disguising my voice like i'm Santa Claus as i entered.

"Santa's come early!" Hadley smiled, thinking i'm the real Santa as i do my jolly laugh like Santa usually does it, trying not to give myself away.

"I sure have, little girl and since you've all been good, i brought some more presents!"

Cathy squealed in delight, knowing that her holiday was getting better and better by the minute, not only did she have the ALDC's presents, but she also was getting some presents for the CADC as well, but what she didn't know like everybody else in the Canton Dance Studio, was that i was under the suit.

"Can we see what we've got?" Vivi-Anne asked me.

"You're gonna have to wait until Christmas Day, young lady." I told her in my best santa voice, trying not to give myself away. "And i also heard you were on my nice list and Abby was on the naughty list."

"We sure were good, Abby deserved a lump of coal in her stocking for christmas because she likes to cause drama and the moms and the girls over there should get a a lump of coal in their stockings too."

"I agree! those moms are nothing but a bunch of psychos!" Patsy added, i was playing along, but deep down inside, i was very ticked off at the way they were talking about Abby, the moms and the girls, because they were the ones that were good and Cathy and her studio were the ones that were bad.

"Now since you've been good, i will be back from putting the presents with the other presents you received!" I then said as i walked to the room where the real presents were, all i had to do is switch them and get out of the Candy Apples Dance Center and head back to the ALDC without being detected.

"For once, things are going our way!" Cathy snickered.

"What a bunch of rotten birdbrain apples, they actually fell for the old bait and switch." I chuckled as i pull out my walkie talkie to let the "Jamaal to ALDC, i have found the presents, over." I added through the walkie talkie after i locked the door of the room where the presents were.

"All right!" Jill cheered.

"Yes!" Maddie said as she and Mackenzie hugged, knowing i had just saved the holiday for everyone in the ALDC

"He is on the verge of saving christmas for all of us!" Kalani shouted, in joy that christmas was about to be saved, then Abby is given the walkie talkie.

"Switch the real presents to the decoys and get out of there quickly, over!"

"Sure will, Abby, Over!" I replied, as i checked to see if anyone was watching, thankfully nobody was behind me, as i put all of the real presents in the big bag i brought with me and put the decoys in their place on the ground underneath the tree that was in the room, and after i'm done, i sneak towards the exits, but little did i know that i was about to get caught even though i exited the place...


Sorry if it was short, i just couldn't wait for the car chase!

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