Chapter 5: Snowball Fight

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The next day, which was a saturday, came I looked outside of my apartment and it was a snowstorm, similar to the snowstorm that i witnessed in 2011 when i was living in Chicago, then after i decide to put on some clothes after a shower, i head to the kitchen and made some breakfast and on the plate were Bacon, Eggs and Toast with Jelly on them, then while i was eating, my phone rang and it said Melissa on the caller id.


"Hey Jamaal. how's it going?" Melissa asked me.

"It's going good, i just finished my breakfast." I told her.

"We're at the studio just hanging out." She replied

"I'm on my way." Then i hang up, turn off the TV, lights and grab my keys and cell phone and lock the door, head to the elevator, which takes me to the lobby, i then open the door and head to my SUV, i turn the ignition and drive toward the studio, i see the building, turn into the parking lot and park next to Abby's car and i get out and walk inside the studio.

"We're in here!" Abby yelled in my direction as i headed toward the Dancers Den

Mackenzie was lounging in the Dancers Den like we all were, although dance class was out between the 16th and the 25th, she was bored out of all of us, so she decided to go outside. I was looking at the Photo Album with Abby, and the picture we see is me and Abby with Melissa doing the rabbit ears behind my head.

"Mom photobombed the photo!" Maddie laughed, also looking at the photo.

"I'm the photobomber!" Melissa replied, then we noticed

"All those years of me going to the gym really paid off." I replied.

"Where'd Mackenzie go?" Kendall asked.

"I don't know." Kalani replied, and then from out of nowhere, a snowball then appeared and it clobbered me in the face, causing me to fall to the floor. Immediately, Abby got up and kneeled down to check on me.

"Are you ok?" Abby asked me, holding me as i was wiping the snow off of my face.

"Yeah." I replied.

"I'm glad you're ok, but i've got one question.......WHO THREW THAT SNOWBALL?!" But before she could get her answer, two snowballs pelt her in the face, but she still stands and the person laighing.

"Let's go outside and find out who did it!" Kira suggested, then we all grab our coats, gloves and scarves and head outside to solve the mystery on who threw the snowball, and as it turned out, it was Mackenzie who threw the snowballs.

"It was Mackenzie!" I shouted, pointing at her.

"Oops." Mackenzie meekly said as we all glared at her with angry looks on our faces, and she knew that she was about to get hit with snowballs as an evil grin was on Abby's face and our faces too.

"Mackenzie, you're gonna get it now!" Abby said, scooping up some snow and threw snowballs at her, but instead she ducks and they hit Christi in the face.

"All right, Abby! you asked for it

"Snow War!" The girls all yelled as Me and Abby looked at each other, and i built a snowfort to protect myself from getting hit by incoming snowballs.

"You'll never beat me in a snowball fight! i'm the snowball fighting champion!" I yelled.

"We'll see about that!" Kalani shouted as everyone began to scoop up snowballs and began throwing them at each other, i threw one and it hit Melissa in the back of her head.

"Hey!" she yelled.

"All's fair in love and war!" I replied as she got a snowball ready to throw at me, and when she throws it, i move to the side, letting the ball fly right past me, she tried again, but she narrowly missed again, so for the third time, Melissa threw one at me, but i duck and it hits Mackenzie in the face.

A Dance Moms Christmas (Abby Lee Miller/OC Romance)Where stories live. Discover now