Chapter 9: Present of Love

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The next afternoon, i was at my Apartment, drinking some kool aid and i did nothing all day since it was Christmas Eve. a knock was on the door, so i got up to see who it was and to my surprise, it was Abby, i opened the door to let her in, she took off her jacket and shoes, revealing her bare feet as she sat down on a couch. shivering from the cold outside.

"Hey, Abby."

"Hi." She replied.

"It's really cold outside isn't it?" i asked her as i pulled out two foot spas that i bought a few weeks ago.

"Tell me about it." She said as i turned on the foot spa and the water was bubbling as Abby and i put our feet in the water as we sighed in relaxation, letting the water soothe our feet.

Then after the foot bath, i went towards the christmas tree that i decorated a few days ago, it had candy canes, different colored ornaments, reindeer figures and a few decorations that i put on the tree and of course there were presents i bought for the girls, moms and even Abby as i picked up one.

"I Know it's the day before christmas, but i couldn't wait to give you a gift, Abby." I said, handing her the present, she opened it and it was a shiny box and gave it to her. Abby opened it very slowly and pulled out a gold necklace with a red heart around it.

"Ohhh..." Abby sighed in happiness as Tears began forming in her eyes, she had many necklaces, but this one was very special because i gave it to her from the heart and whenever she wore it, she would have me close to her heart.

"Do you like it?" i asked her, waiting for a response.

"I love it so much. Thank you, Jamaal. I will wear it as a sign of my appreciation to you." Abby said, a tear falling down her face, as i wiped it away, then she gave me a hug.

"You are welcome, i made it myself since you like to wear necklaces." I said, returning the hug.

"Hey, Jamaal." I turned, looking at Abby when she scooted herself a little closer to me. "Did you know that Gianna was talking to me?"

"No, what's going on?" I replied, my face beet red.

"She told me that last week, i would have love unexpectedly, and at first i didn't believe her, but now, i know it's true, she predicted that i would fall in a love with a man that would love me for me."

"Who is that lucky man?" I asked with an intrigued look on my face.

"That lucky man is the person i'm looking at and also the man i was describing a few days ago, he is you." Abby said and suddenly, she grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me in as i felt her lips connect to my lips and kissed me. For some strange reason, unlike Gianna kissing me in the past 8 months, this kiss with Abby was full of extra love and it set my world on fire like never before and i couldn't get enough of her kisses.

I couldn't believe that i was kissing a 48-year-old woman but i didn't even care. All i cared about was giving her all of my love until the end of time, and for some weird reason, i did not want it to end, neither did Abby.

We then pulled away and stared into each other's eyes. My fingers brushed her hair from her face.

"I've always loved you, Jamaal." Abby then told me.

"I've always loved you too, Abigail. That was the best christmas present i have ever received." I replied and i noticed that she blushed when i called her by her given name instead of Abby.

"I'm glad you appreciate it."

"I certainly do." I said, tears of love forming in my eyes.

"I'd never thought i'd fall in love, especially with a guy who is 24 years younger than me." Abby giggled, then she sees the tears that were in my eyes now rolling down my face, she wipes them.

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