Chapter 3: A Fun Day

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It was a new day as i was asleep in my warm bed as it was chilly and very cloudy outside, which makes for a typical winter day and the time on my clock was 7:30 AM, i'm in a peaceful sleep as i snore lightly, but unbeknowst to me, a ladder was beside my bed and somebody was attaching a bungee cord to their waist.

"We're gonna be the element of surprise." A voice said as the person leapt from the top of the ladder and then when the person got down, i felt something against my cheek and i slowly opened my eyes to see what it was a brownish haired girl in boots, jeans and a sweater. And from the way she was looking, i knew who it was.

"Maddie! I yelled after i was awakened. "what do you think you're doing?!"

"I'm being your bungee friend, silly neener! neener neener!" She said, pinching my cheeks as i fume under my breath as Mackenzie was standing there laughing her head off, she was in a tracksuit and boots as she was giggling.

"You should've seen the look on your face!" Mackenzie giggled.

"Who's idea was it for you to bungee from my ladder and you kissing me on my cheek? if i wanted to be awakened like that, i would've asked Abby, believe it or not." I groaned as i got up and headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth, wash my face, jumped in the shower, then slipped on a sweater, a Troy Polamalu Pittsburgh Steelers jersey, jogging pants with boots.

"I had nothing to do with it!" Mackenzie told me, throwing her hands up like she was backing off

"It was my idea!" The voice that was heard was Abby, who came in and laughed, she was in her usual black shirt, pants and shoes.

"Abby, never again." I growled, but she knew i did that playfully.

"Since we're off between the 16th and the 25th, i thought that while Melissa and Greg are shopping for presents, maybe we could hang out? Just you, me, Maddie and Mackenzie, what do you think about that?" Abby suggested as she, Maddie and Mackenzie looked at me while awaiting my answer.

"Let's do it!" Then after i lock up the apartment, we headed to Abby's car and i got in the front seat while Maddie and Mackenzie got in the back and we pulled off and headed down the road.

"Where's the other girls?" I asked Abby.

"Chloe's hanging out with Paige, Brooke is with Kelly and they're looking for decorations, Nia went to see a Christmas Show with Holly, Kendall is at one of her mom's friends' christmas party." Abby told me in response to my question.

"Oh, did i forget to tell you guys that that i've got four tickets to the Penguins vs Flyers Game?"

"You did?!" Maddie exclaimed in excitement.


"Go Penguins!" Mackenzie cheered.

"Go Flyers!" Maddie said, as Me and Abby laughed at their energy, then we see a park where there are a lot of people ice skating on a rink, so we decide to check it out.

"Let's see what they're doing." Abby suggested.


Then we decide to go ice skating, and i put on my ice skates, so does Maddie and Mackenzie after we arrived at a park, there was a skating rink and a lot of people were skating and it reminded me of when i was little, i used to go ice skating a lot with my grandmother watching while i was having fun.

"I might have a little rust from not skating for so long." I warned Abby.

"Just show me what you can do." She replied, i then got on the ice and began skating in a circle like everyone, then i turned around and did the Moonwalk very smoothly, Abby looked in stunned awe, not only could i do the Moonwalk like Michael Jackson, but i could do it on ice skates, then i did some gliding, the barrel roll and some shuffling.

A Dance Moms Christmas (Abby Lee Miller/OC Romance)Where stories live. Discover now