Chapter 5: Please Just Remember Me

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"To talk to you, it's not that often that I can talk to you alone. And several times I've heard you walk out onto the deck at around this time... Before you say anything, I have sensitive hearing ok, I'm not a stalker," He chuckled as I faced him.

"So what do you want to ask me then Captain Stalker," I teased as he gave me an annoyed look.

"Funny, I'm not a stalker, that's Gray... But, last night something had came back to me. Are you sure that you haven't been to Fiore before? When you were younger with your mother," He questioned with an intense gaze, to think about it.

"To be completely honest captain, my life of child is just a blur to me. why do you ask?"

"Since the day you joined FairyTail, I've recently been retrieving memories I never knew I had. It's odd, because you were in them... Princess"

Now... (Lucy's POV)

Wait what! I thought to myself anxiously as I felt my heart almost escape from my mouth, He can't know i'm a mermaid right? "What are you going on about? I'm not a princess. You don't even know my mother and your new memories must be of someone else," I muttered as my bangs hid my face and quickly turned away to walked to the back of the ship to get away from Natsu's questions. Before I could do so he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back towards him in a tight embrace facing both of us back towards the open ocean."Don't lie to me Heartfilia," He stated as he looked down upon me with an emotionless gaze. "You'r the daughter of Layla Heartfilia, Queen of Celestia. Who was unfortunately murdered by you'r farther."

"I don't understand how do you know all this, how do you know me, and my mother?" I questioned trying to get out of his tight grip, but he only tightened. Making me surrender of defeat letting him hold me still facing the new morning. 

"Well, Mavis was close friends with you'r mother and they wanted to create peace between the human and mermaids. When you'r mother came to the surface, she brought you with her. We were close friends... You and you'r mother were part of FairyTail..." A single tear started to fall down is scared cheek and he prepared himself to tell me more,"After many years, we were almost like a family, my father, you, Layla and the whole of FairyTail. We were on the final stages of getting the rest of the human race and mermaids to understand that there is no danger to be in harmony with each other. Until you'r Farther found out what was happening, he thought that you'r mother was cheating on him with my Farther and he murdered both of them. And we never saw each other again." He broke out into tears as he loosened his grip around me, he hid his face in his arms as he rested against the beam of the ship. I wasn't sure what to do so I embraced him trying to calm him down, which kind of work.

"But, how come we forgot. We would never forget something like that! I want to know... I want to know the memories that we shared," I said almost shouting as he slowly lifted him head with half the ocean coming out of his eyes.

"I believe Mavis whipped all of our memories apart from your Farther's... She must have done it so it didn't cause a war and make things worse..." He stuttered as he calmed himself down, I nodded in reply too shocked at the new information that was being given to me. Slowly, I let got of him as he came back around to his usual self. "I don't know how you'll get your memories back but they shall come in time... I hope... Along with everyone else's," He said as his emotionless body started to walk towards the back of the ship, before my body even realised what it was doing my hand was gripped around Natsu's wrist.

Hesitating, I asked him,"Natsu... I need to ask you something. On my first day... why did you have Gray by the neck?"

Natsu's POV

Oh shit, she was never meant to see that side of me. But what do I tell her! I yelled to myself, as I turned my head to look at the stunning blond in the suns new rays as it welcomed the morning. "I haven't really told anyone. Gray knows because he has parts of his memories back but only the parts that seem to be more traumatic. To be honest I don't wanna talk about it, can we talk later," I muttered as I turned around not giving her anytime to say anything. Why can't you just remember me Luce.

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