Chapter 7: The Storm

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Hey guys! Hope your enjoying the story so far, what do you think to it??? And please comment honestly!! You guys are so quiet, please dont be silent readers :( But anyway hope your having a great day and enjoy the chapter!! :D (Oh, and the picture ^^^^^^^^ doesn't really go with the chapter but I thought it was cute so yea XD)

"The two ships started to battle out, however, Lisanna couldn't be found anywhere during the fight until she came up from below deck. But it wasn't our deck she came out of it was Sabertooths and she wore their pirate guild mark. Please don't be scared of me when I say this but..." He then looked at me as he gave a reassuring grin, he then looked down at the floor below his feet."We killed her... Well... I killed her. She was a traitor, Erza requested to fight her and end her but, let's just say I wanted this to be in my own hands.So, that's what happens to traitors, I'm sure you won't be one. But, learn a lesson from this, don't be like Lisanna."  
Lucy's POV (The next morning)

My eyes slowly lifted to the bright shining sun rising from beneath the horizon, I can't be bothered to watch the sun rise this morning I'm too tired, I thought as I turned in my head trying to bloke my eyes from the sunlight trying to peak around the curtains that held the only barrier between the sun and the bedroom. Once I became comfortable again, I thought of the information that was passed to me by Natsu about my Mother and the past I never knew I had. Why can't I remember! Thoughts ran through my head about Lisanna and how Natsu killed her. That can't be the same Natsu... Can it? I asked myself as I drifted off into sleep once again.

Natsu's POV

The sun rose just like any other day, the light overtaking the darkness that had covered the land and sea with only the moon to keep it in order. However, today was slightly different. A roaring cloud of rage and chaos started rolling into view over the ocean horizon, trying to block out the new day. "It's gonna be another bad storm," I muttered to myself as I walked down the stairs of the top deck about to wake everyone up when I heard an almost silent scream. At first, I thought it was the wind picking up from the incoming storm, however, it was coming from... Lucy? From curiosity and fear I sprinted to her room to see if she was ok, bursting open the door causing it to almost fall of it's hinges. "Lucy are you ok!" I shouted in concern, however she didn't answer as I spotted her in her bed tossing and turning screaming and crying her heart out.

Quickly, I moved to the side of her bed and sat myself upon the edge of it making sure I didn't sit upon her tossing and turning body. Softly, I placed my hand upon her head as the sweat and tears fell from her exhausted face. "Lucy, it's ok I'm here," I whispered softly as her breathing started to become almost normal. But she still tossed and turned within her bed. Without thinking I slipped into bed with her, I took her body and brought her into a reassuring embrace, she began to relax into the embrace and started to sleep peacefully. Her soft face snuggled into my chest as my arm wrapped around her waist keeping her close to me, that's when I realised how close we were next to each other. Heat rose to my face as her golden locks had spread across the bed, showing her delicate face as the tears and sweat no longer ruined her elegance. A single roaming strand of her hair laid across her forehead, I slowly swiped it across and placed it behind her ear so I could see her defined beauty. As I did so, her eyes slowly began to flicker open. "Na... Natsu.... NATSU!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY BED!!" She yelled as she came back to reality from her dream world.

"You were having a nightmare, and decided to give you a cuddle," I said pulling off my infamous toothy grin, she looked at with me with shocked eyes as she laid there as if she was frozen. "Come on, chill out Luce. You've probably had a ruff night, just relax," I stated as I rested my head into the pillow that supported me, Luce continued to stare at me and then began to relax again into my chest. We then drifted into a light sleep.

Lucy's POV

"Lucy, it's time for up! The captain forgot to wake us this morning have you seeeeeennnnn hiimmmmmmm..... I'll leave you two for a moment..." Erza said as I suddenly awoke from my nap.

"Erzaaaaaaa. Reallyyyyy!!" The Captain groaned as he pulled away from me getting out of my bed with me slowly following."We were trying to sleep and it wasn't like that," He muttered as a blush started to appear upon his awakening face.

"Sorry Captain but there is a storm on the incoming, and Jellal is unwell and he was meant to be on Crows nest duty today, so who would you like to replace him with for today Captain?" She asked as Natsu started to walk out of the door (he was fully clothed by the way).

"I'll do it today don't worry, you can take the wheel if you wish," He suggested as he quickly looked at me as I only had my night gown on, he pulled a quick smile and closed the door behind him.

Time skip (still in Lucy's POV)

Rain started to pour upon the crew as the storm became stronger and stronger, most of the crew members were on top deck trying to help keep the ship under control in the harsh weather. Lightning lite up the sky as Natsu quickly made his way down the mast to check if everybody is alright, as nobody could hear him from his post. "EVERYBODY OKAY!" He yelled as he jumped onto the deck.

"AYE," Everybody yelled as he made his way towards me with his wet bangs drooping, hiding his dark orbs.

"WE NEED TO START TURNING INTO DEEPER WATERS, STAYING CLOSE TO THE SHORE IS A BAD IDEA NOW ERZA. WE HAVE FIORE'S SHIPWRECK SHORE COMING UP! WE NEED TO START GETTING AWAY BEFORE ITS TOO LATE," He ordered at Erza as he pointed towards the ever enlarging cliff face. "Lucy," He said as the wind almost muffled his voice as the storm continued to become worse,"I forgot to ask, what was your nightmare about earlier?" He asked as he stood before me, his hair dripping from the heavy rain that made it almost impossible to see a thing.

"Baka! Ask me later! And I can't really remember now, so it's not that important!" I yelled so he could hear me over the pouring rain as I carried on with the job I was doing.

"Ok, but with everything that has been happening I want you to remember that I'll always be here for you," he muttered softly in my ear as he turned around and started to climb the mast to the crows nest once again. Whilst he went up, I had frozen, nobody has ever said that to me before. Nobody has ever shown me so much kindness, I thought as I snapped out of my thoughts and carried on with my job.

Natsu's POV

The storm became stronger and stronger with every passing moment, it was almost impossible to stand up straight. The cliff that I told Erza about was still getting closer, so once again I made my way down the mast,"ERZA WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!! GET US AWAY FROM THE CLIFF NOW!!"I yet again jumped onto the deck and held onto the mast so I could keep my balance as the wind picked up.

"SORRY CAPTAIN! BUT I CANT CONTROL THE SHIP, THE WIND IS TAKING HER! IF I HAVE TO STEER HER OUT THE WAY THEN IT WILL BE A HARD TURN AND MAY DAMAGE HER!" She yelled as she used her arm to shield her eyes from the rain, as she tried to focus her eyes upon me.

"I DON'T CARE IF SHE'S DAMAGED! I'M MORE WORRIED ABOUT MY CREW MEMBERS GETTING HURT THEN DAMAGING THE SHIP! JUST DO IT ERZA BEFORE ITS TOO LATE DAMN IT! IT'S EITHER NOW OR NEVER!" I yelled as I yet again climbed up the mast trying to use all the strength I had to pull myself up the wet, slippery mast. I could only just hear a faint "AYE!" as I was just about to climb into the crows nest when she turned the ship away from the cliffs... That's when my foot slipped... "NATSUUUU!!!!!"

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