Chapter 17: Aye

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I looked to see Levy sitting next to me with a reassuring smile. "He'll be ok, he's our captain after all. He's been through a lot, I'm sure he can go through a few small injuries," She stated trying to make me feel better. I returned her kindness with a smile as she embraced me tightly. Natsu please wake up...
Lucy's POV

It's been a week now since the big fight and Natsu still hasn't woken up, what do I do?? What if he doesn't remember anything... after so long of not knowing anything about the past and now, he might lose his memory again... Mum. What do I do... Even FairyTail has disbanded. This isnt the FairyTail I remember. We usually stop at nothing to help one another, I miss how we work together, the adventure... but I also miss you so very much Mum, I'll write to you later. Bye
Your beloved daughter,
Lucy xx

After writing the letter, I folded it and placed it in the desk draw by the window which looked out into the town. "Morning Lucy," Levy groaned as she stretched in her bed.
"Morning Levy, have you seen Juvia?" I questioned realising that Juvia wasn't in her bed and hasn't been since I've been awake.
"No, not really but she might have gone to see Gray,"
"Oh yea, wouldn't be surprising," I muttered as I opened the window to the crisp breeze and warmth of the sun.
"Hey Lucy, when do you think FairyTail will get back together. I can't remember the last time we had so long on land before," she questioned as she got out of bed and to the bathroom for a shower.
"I honestly don't know," I answered as she nodded and walked into the bathroom. I really don't know...

Erza's POV

A whole week has past and still the Captain hasn't moved an inch. But every now and then he'll mumble a name, but not sure if it might be me hearing things or he's trying to get through to someone. But who knows... "Hey Erza," greeted a familiar name, "how's he doing?"
"He's not really changed..." I replied as I looked up to see who the voice belonged to. Jellal...
His blue bangs covered his eyes as he grabbed a chair and brought it round next to me. "You should probably go and take some rest, you've been here for too long. Go get some sleep, I'll keep an eye on him," I nodded, as I removed the chair and began to walk out the door.
"Jellal. How are we going to repair the ship?" I questioned him as I opened the door to see the devastating of the once beautiful vessel.
"We'll gather a few of the members to help repair it before the Captain wakes up, he would freak out if he saw it like this,"
"Yes, you are quite right," I chuckled as I walked out of the door onto the deck.

Time Skip (Few Hours)
Lucy's POV

Me, Juvia, Levy, Gray and many others where told by Erza to help repair the ship. But there was so much to do... It used to stand so proud in the docks and in the water. Now it just looks like it needs to go into retirement, as it slumped over the water.
When me and the girls arrived on the ship with Gray, there was many members of FairyTail already repairing the ship, it was going to take sometime but it has to be done. "ALRIGHT GUYS, LETS REPAIR THIS SHIP!! ALL THE SUPPLIES ARE EITHER IN TOWN OR UNDER DECK. LETS GET GOING!" Erza bellowed from behind the wheel.
"AYE!!" The FairyTail crew responded with such joy and enthusiasm, now this is the FairyTail I remember...

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