Chapter 5

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Danny POV

"Its good to finally meet you, superman would have loved to meet you as well. But none the less you did a good job as a hero." Batman said, taking hus hand to shake mine, which i thought was an honor. I stepped back slightly.

"So your Batman? Thankyou for the compliments, and it would have been great to meet superman." I heard superboy growl at that. "Oh! Tucker talked a lot about you, on his pda." Then i heard chuckling. I turned to see wally trying not to laugh.

"Bwahabbabaha" wally gasped. "Hahahah! Ah.. A PDA! He used a PDA THATS SOO OLD!" He cried, before I threw my arm at him.

"Can some one give me a hand? Just kidding" my arm flew back to me, floating by my side "So i guess I'm joining the 'Young justice' so what is the issue?" I asked taking my arm and letting it re-attach.

"Well other than ghosts trying to get out, we heard that an army of the dead has awoken. That and all the trapped ghost's who has almost gotten out, has been yelling your name." Batman said, turning toward a old newspaper clip.

The ghost King Attacks!

Danny phantom, and other ghost hunters are fighting a ghost army, will the army come     wi l be le   to fight alo

The rest of the page was burnned and torn, I scoweld, it couldn't be Pariah. Unless vlad was at it again, but... A fear, ran through me. Dan... has he escaped? But it couldn't be... Who?

"I... Im not, i don't know anyone elss that could." But, maybe vlad knows. "I have an idea, but. I'm not gonna like it all, I need to meet someone in private. A person like me, and older halfa. But he would like to his identity kept safe." I said turning to the group.

"How many halfa's are there, anyway?" Asked robin, everyone looked around.

"What is a halfa anyway, sounds like a meta-human to me." Said Artemis, crossing her arms.

"Well, im a halfa. Which basically half human and half ghost. And there are three in existence, i included but. In total is this timeline four, but that one doesn't count since its another version of us halfa's."

"Wait timeline, you have been on a different one, are you the original danny of this one?" Batman asked tensing up. Everyone got into a battle stance.

"Yeah, its a long story, and the end result is the reason i quit. But that version is a... very dangerous, unfeeling monster. And is best to keep him from ever escaping. We good on qeustions?" I asked. Turning to batman to see what he had to say.

"Were you born a halfa or was it an accident?" Wally asked, i cringed. "Because how does a human and a ghost even-"

"It WAS AN ACCIDENT! Ewww! That Nooo! Grosss, just ugh. Thats sick" I pointed at wally, "your sick, really man... just.." i sighed. "I need a disposable phone, a plane ticket to wisconsin, and maybe two hundred dollars, and thats a maybe."

"Whats the money for? The other stuff i can understand, but that much?" asked Artemis.

"Wisconsin, you can smell the dairy products. Its a cheese state, and they know it." I said shrugging.

"He's got a point, sorry." Wally said, making her punch him the shoulder. "Why is it allways MeeEee!" I laughed just a bit.

Author here, hello. Yes uh, im so glad you guys like this story! It surprised me actually. I wasnt sure this story would be any good. But i was tired of reading danny be so sad and pathetic, all the God damn time when doing a dc crossover. So on a whim i made this, anyone think the same?

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