Chapter 13

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I had to get stronger, I called for it. My courage, since when was Danny phantom a crybaby? I never let myself fall so low in my life! Except till I lossed them... I shifted into my other form, floating on out of my cell. I didn't break from the electrocution, the GIW made sure of that. They made sure I was the perfect peoduct of project shade.

S: super
H: human
A: alternative
D: Dead
E: exterminator

I am a protector, was the protector. Now I am an exterminator of all the fualts of their mutilations. Reserved for the annihilation of what comes to harm me or any living being. I remember what they did to me for their psueo-purpose. It was a message, to all things to come. It was me, the awnser to riping both worlds in two. The fear that i sealed in that thermos is not in it anymore. Its path is not mine.. it's Danielle's it is true. I know it.

"Congrats daniel" an old voice croaned. Not audible for a living being.

"What is this?! Some sort of sick joke? I thought my banter was meddling and was bad! But you're worse!" I shouted looking upon the young toddler form of clockwork who only chuckled.

"It was your choice daniel, to take up the mantle of the throne." He whispered.

"And what! Let the madness of Pariah dark take me?! There is a reason why he is king in the first place!" I shouted, my green eyes flickering out excess ectoplasm.

"For how long daniel? How long would you do it? She barely held her own ectopalsm together, but she took up the thone, she took his madness in her hour and in the night took dan into her soul and fuesed. She leads an army right to your doorstep... what folly you've done to your self-contained cowardness! Fight or fade to the nowhere realm." Clockwork shouted, his clocks all out of sinc either from anger or the fact that it I failed the job in the first place by running away.

"I cannot just force a group of hero's and sidekicks to fight it out alone! Against a monster of my own making!" I shouted.

"Danny? Who are you talking too?" Kid flashed asked who had sneaked himself into the hallway where I was floating in, I would have said standing but I'm not.

"Nobody, he just let himself out. Didn't have the time to say goodbye or awnser me. Predictable of who I'm talking about.

"That is?" Batman asked.

"I don't want to know where you came from, as long as you dont do that again." I hissed. Both coughed.

"Soooo whats happening?" I looked at him, and a smile lined my face.

"Wars happening, hope you bring your best suit. It's gonna get messy"

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