Chapter Two: The next day

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         The next day at school I notice a boy sotting by himself in the corner of the cafeteria. Seeing no where else to sit I go over to him. He stared up at me and smiled as I sat down. I started eating silently as I studied him. He was glancing around the room in the directions of the tall ones. "What are you looking at?" I ask him. "You wouldent believe me If I told you." He replies."Try Me." I retort. He sighs and says "Nobody sees them, but I do." I slowly realise what he is saying before I doubt it. How can he see them too when nobody else can? I try anyway, "You can see them too?" I expect him to look at me like I am crazy but he looks suprised. "WHAT?!?!" he wispers under his breath to me. "Nevermind" I wisper back. "No wait!" he says as I start to get up. "Look" I reply "I don't know  what kind of joke this is, but its not funny!" "No joke!" He replies "I swear!"   "Really? So what do they look like?" I ask him. "They're tall and wear suits." He says back.  I start to think about what he just said when the bell rings. I stare at him one more time before he rushes away.

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