Day 1 - I Saw This Online

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Okay, let's pretend I'm back to day 1 of this challenge, and the first day of my adventure. 

In real life, though, I'm on my 32nd day already. So yeah, still not much to tell.

So, one morning, I encountered this word while reading an article on Yahoo. Buzzword, they call it. The word is "dropshipping". I'm not even sure if it's one word or two words.

Anyway, I googled it, because I didn't understand much on the Yahoo article.

On the first page of results came Shopify. 

I'm sorry, I'm not even sure if I should be writing the actual websites I've been to. But hey, I'm just telling this as it is.

So, Shopify, they have this 30-day trial period, and being the knowledge-hungry person that I am, I told myself "Yeah, why not? At least, I'll learn something new." 

Not to mention I'm really in the business industry. And it was nice to be able to share something new to some kids. It makes me feel like I knew better than them. That I'm not a waste, those sort of thoughts.

I signed up, browsed the platform to familiarize myself, and yeah, I got dizzy. 

At first, I just clicked randomly, whatever catches my eye. Then, I realized I should start from the top, see their contents, then move from top to bottom. Even when I pride myself in my memory skills, I was quite at a loss in there. Mind you, even after two weeks I'm still clicking every button trying to find something.

The point being, when something's new, our first action must be to familiarize ourselves. I really have no plan to do anything that day than to familiarize myself. 

I keep getting confused. Where do I go to see the online store? Where do I add products? Heck, where do I get my products? Where do I change the content of the store? How do I change the domain name? Heck, I don't even know how to use anything. I just filled all the info I could give.

So, I went to Youtube. Shopify have these webinars available for newbies. Youtube has a lot of it. Go on and search. Then, I went to my favorite youtube converter and downloader and got a few videos on my flashdrive. During lunch break, I watched half of one. Dear me, it was an hour long.

And I had to repeat a few segments to actually understand it. 

Basically, on that day, I realized how other people have been because of it. And I'm like, years behind. Not to mention I don't know much about websites, or dropshipping, or customizing HTMLs. And I asked myself, do I want to learn? Am I prepared to try and fail before succeeding? 

I'm a writer, and before I am one, I was a reader first. I read a lot. And when it comes to starting a business, what I always see on books and articles is that everyone goes through failure the first time. It was a failure first, before you can ever succeed.

And as I said in my KJ book, I was hoping to bypass that phase. We're humans. We are too proud of ourselves. And we think what we know is enough. I thought what I've learned in school and in my three years of working is enough. I thought I've learned enough. But no, setting up an online store was never discussed in the classroom. I don't even have the theories. I thought I could just relate it to my other experiences. It was a whole different territory I plunged myself into. 

By now you already know I did continue with it. I'm still learning, and wow, the number of new experiences I had. Some might say they're not much, that they're somewhat trivial things, but the basics matter, right? Those trivial things are the basic.

And yeah, sometimes we all think that basics is just common sense. Well then, they might not be so common after all. 

Tomorrow, I'll take you to Day 2 - The Trivial Things


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