Day 14 - Waiting and... Waiting Still

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Day 14 – Waiting and... Waiting still

See, after that abandoned cart incident, I was waiting for payday. Because when that customer finishes his order, I can't process that order without me having money. It was Monday and my payday was Wednesday, and I'm waiting for the credit card on Thursday. Awesome.

As they say, good things come to those who wait.

And I've been waiting, alright.

Another thing you learn when waiting is that "patience is a virtue".

The thing about being hard on yourself and to others is that you give a message:

You don't tolerate mistakes.

Imagine if every single time you commit mistakes, you forgive yourself easily.

Imagine if every single time you make mistakes, others forgive you easily.

You wouldn't even mind at all. As you and they are fine with it, you don't have the drive to do better that your worst.

So really, even when others say I'm heartless about not tolerating mistakes, it's how you would learn to do things properly.

Come, Day 15.


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