Chapter 3

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A group of beat up Avengers trudged in before plopping in their seats.

Thor looked amused at the state his fellow Avengers were in.

"How on Earth, did a seventeen year old beat the World's Mightiest Heroes?" I yelled. I was well, furious.

Thor let out a booming laugh.

"Perseus Jackson is probably more of a hero than us!" He was chuckling now. Gods are so odd. He does realize this kid blew up a parking lot. Right?

"That kid's a fucking terrorist!" Stark yelled.
Rodgers yelled "Language!"

"Thor, what are you talking about?"

"I cannot tell, I am honor bound," That was the end of that, he would never put his honor on the line, Asgardians are a proud race.

"Well, go detain Perseus Jackson! Don't come back until you do!" I yelled.


Perseus Jackson. Savior of Olympus. He is a hero. I have heard tale of his many adventures. I had even met him once on Olympus. After the first war.

He is different to be sure, a child of Posideon no less.

His friend, Lady Annabeth is very wise, as befits a daughter of Athena. You can tell they care deeply for each other.

"Earth to Thor," Tony snapped his fingers.

"What do you want?"

"We want to get a move on!" He was already suited up.

"I cannot fight young Perseus. He will only come with us if he wants."

"Come on, Blondie. With you here that kid stands no chance."

"Man of iron I fear we are the ones who stand no chance. He has a reason he is so dangerous."

"See he's dangerous, we need to bring him in! You're helping no ifs, ands, or buts."

I sighed. I will hold back for not Perseus' sake, but ours.


Instead of going to the apartment, I went to the cabin in Montauk.

I was in there sitting on the couch when there was a knock at the door. I was going to get it when someone started to pick the lock.

Really. Must be burglars.

I opened the door. I was surprised to see the people from earlier, along with a dude with a hammer and long blonde hair.

"May we come in?"

"Sure, just don't kidnap me," they shared uneasy glances.

"Seriously!? How many time do I have to be kidnapped!" I yelled at the ceiling. Thunder rumbled.

The group of people looked at the dude with a hammer. Wait a minute.

"Thor?" I thought I told the gods to leave me alone? Oh, wait! That applied to the Greek and Romans, the Norse never said anything. Really need to work out my deals better.

"Young Perseus!" I tried not to wince at my full name. He crushed me in a bear hug. "How is your uncle and father?"

"They're good," I'm guessing he means Zeus. Sorry Hades, but I don't think a lot of people care about you.

"Ah, how about your friends?"

I looked away. "I'm afraid you would have to talk to my other uncle about that,"

Percy Jackson and the AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now