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I woke up laying on something warm.

Now I could be totally vague and lead you on this whole long there was a sea scent in the air thing but I'll be blunt and just tell you.

I was laying on my dad.

Yawning I moved off of him and stretched. Well.

That wasn't totally embarrassing.

I'm pretty sure Steve came in although I'm not sure if that was a dream or not.

"Percy?" Dad rolled over and looked at me. "Are you okay?"

"Yep. Not sure if my pride is or not cause I think Steve came in here."

He laughed. "He's your grandfather Percy. I would be more concerned if one of Ares kids walked in."

"That would be bad. I would never live that down."

"And what's so bad about having your father care about you?" Dad stood up and wrapped an arm around me.

"Nothing. But Clarisse is always looking for a way to make fun of me. We're friends. But she stills loves making fun of me. It's nice not having to run every three minutes though." It was like literally every three minutes.

Oh a kid spilled orange juice on me, JACKSON!

I got beat in sparring today, JACKSON!

I stepped in a pile of pegasi crap, JACKSON.

You get it right?

Dad simply shook his head before handing me a plate filled with food.

Why does he have to be a god?

"Eat it. You aren't leaving this room until you eat everything on that plate."

"I swear if you just happen to summon more food onto this plate..." The amount on here will probably make me sick all on its own.

"I wouldn't dream of it Percy. And if you really don't think you can eat it all, just eat what you can."  Great. Now he's reading my mind.

That's just awesome.

"Eat." He pressed breaking me out of those thoughts.

I sighed and started eating the pancakes. At least these are blue.

"I know the whole reason behind the blue food Percy. And I have to admit it was a brilliant idea on your mother's part." Dad ruffled my hair.

"Not the hair." I said.

"Don't talk with your mouth full son."

I swallowed and looked at him. "Not the hair."

He made a very deliberate motion of ruffling my hair again.

"You sound like Loki."

"No duh. Where do you think I got it from?" I rolled my eyes.

Dad sighed. "Just finish eating."

This time I sighed. "Do I have to?"

He made a shocked sound. "Yes. You need to eat Percy. You'll die if you don't."

Oh really? I thought I'd be able to run three miles.

"I did tell you about the whole throwing up after my nightmares right? Cause I'm pretty sure throwing up that much isn't healthy either." I placed the plate on the bed and crossed my arms.

"It probably isn't. I could  probably get Apollo to check." He mused. "But I'd rather know you were eating than that you were starving yourself."

I don't want to tell him.

"I ate. I'll be good for a little bit."

"Perseus, you ate not even half a pancake. That's not something you can function off of." Dad crossed his arms too, his gaze steely.

I'm going to have to tell him aren't I?

"Just leave it Dad. I'm fine. Now I need to go check on Loki. Knowing him he's probably passes out in the Hades cabin."

His go to cabin for the fact it's dimmer than the other cabins and Nico has a candy stash.

I turned and hoped to actually get out. But the Fates of course hate me.

Dad grabbed ahold of my arm. "Eat. At least finish one pancake. That shouldn't hurt you."

I sighed and without looking at him I shook my head. "I can't. I ate what I could Dad. I know my limits. And that's as much as I can eat."

I pulled my arm out of his now slack grip and started out of the infirmary.

"Get right back in that bed Jackson! You are not leaving this infirmary until I clear you!"

Uh oh.


"Bye!" I gave him a small smile before disappearing in a burst of mist.

I reappeared in Nico's cabin.

"Percy?!" Said demigod yelled in surprise.

I sat on one of the spare beds.

Which wasn't really spare at the moment as it had a sleeping Asgardian on it.

Technically Frost giant but you know what I mean.

And it also looks like I was right.

"Yeah. You might want to bar the door." I said before lifting my legs up onto the bed.

Loki then proceeded to hug me in his sleep. "Mr Jorg-org you're warm. Have you been sunbathing?"

Great. He thinks I'm his old pet snake.

Nico pushed a trunk up against the door. "Why am I doing this?"

"Because your boyfriend is terrifying. And is trying to keep me in the infirmary."

My cousin nodded. "And you chose to make me a criminal accomplice. Smart Perce. Real smart. Cause if I open that door I'll get taken too."

"He didn't know you were shadowtravelling did he?"

"Nope. But another camper ended up getting injured so I went to Cleveland then came back here. And he's been here for like a day."

"Okay... how's Cleveland?" I asked. Why there?

"Pretty good. Snuck into the Rock Hall. The Great Lakes Science Center. And there actually is a ghost that's messing with the Browns."



That's nice to know.

Loki's grip on me tightened and his skin started turning blue.

Not again.

I shook him and his green eyes opened.

"What Perseus?"

"Dude you're gonna end up freezing me."

"Oh." His skin turned back to it's usual color.

"Hey Percy." Nico said innocently.

Almost too innocently.


"You looked adorable cuddled with your dad."


Here guys.

Now. Merry Christmas.

Or December 25!

Happy birthday Sophia!

Figured I'd stop tagging you.

See yah.

Percy Jackson and the AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now