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In all of Berwald's days of living, from his miraculous birth to the very moment in which he sat, an IKEA instructions manual had NEVER failed him

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In all of Berwald's days of living, from his miraculous birth to the very moment in which he sat, an IKEA instructions manual had NEVER failed him.
But this time he couldn't find a single one that could tell him how to ask Tino out.
He had memorized them all, however, none had ever mentioned anywhere close to the dating scene.
And so, there he was, about to ask a resource he had barely used.
He logged onto the site and typed his question into the search engine.
How do I do the date thing?
Lots of helpful advice came up and he was glad that modern technology had allowed him to search this up. He pulled out his phone and typed Tino's number into his contacts.
Hey, it's me. The guy who helped you find the lamo.
A little R popped up next to the message instantly and Berwald panicked. What did that mean?
Three little dots danced along the bottom of the chat screen. Was it loading? The swede had bought the phone on the way home from work that day, having not had one before. He hadn't read the manual yet so he didn't know much of the programming.
Lamo??? Do you mean lamp?
Oh! So the dots were Tino typing!
He still didn't know what that R meant, though.
Oh! It's you! Great! What time were you thinking for coffee?
Berwald looked at his work schedule. Tomorrow morning looked good.
Tomorrow at nine?
There was a pause. Maybe Tino was checking his work schedule too. They were truly meant to be.
That's fine! My address is 1157 Continuation Street. It's the little blue house with the Christmas decorations all over the lawn.
Wasn't it...October?????
I'll pick you up then.
A little smiley face popped up on Tino's message. WHOA! That is so cool! How did he do that?!
The swede lay back in his bed, the piece of furniture which he once thought was his one true love, thinking about how easy it was to score a date with such a cute boy. If he had known this before, he would have scored one with that sexy chair in the kitchen section before that incredibly angry old lady bought it. 
Things we're going to be fun from now on.

For those of you wondering about Tino's address:
1157 is the year Finland went under Sweden's rule and Continuation refers to some sort of communism-involving war that Sweden helped Finland end <3
I thought I'd tell y'all because nobody was gonna ask and I did research for it. I'm clever okay.

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