Coffee and Chill

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I have a limit on the amount of assignments I can miss and I'm way over it so I'm probably going to fail college I can't wait to see my moms face lol.

"Wow! You have a really nice car!" Tino ran his hands along the inside door of Berwald's convertible, amazed. "You must make big money at IKEA."
"I'm their best employee." Berwald bragged modestly.
"Wow! That's so great! It's exactly what I'd expect from you!"
Berwald blushed, but it probably looked like he was shitting himself.
"Awww. You're really cute when you blush." Tino giggled.
"Yer embarrassing me."
"Awwww! So cute."
Berwald pulled into Tim Hortons because they lived in Canada because the person writing about them doesn't know much about Sweden :).
"What do you take in yer coffee?"
"I don't really mind as long as its coffee!" Tino undid his seatbelt and Berwald put his car in park. The two made their way into the coffee shop and started waiting in line.
"You're from Sweden, right?" Tino asked, his voice full of innocence.
"Yah. And you?"
"I'm Finnish! That's cool! We're neighbours!"
They reached the front of the line and a cheerful blond smiled at them.
"Can I help you?" He asked, violet eyes bright behind clear glasses. His long hair was tied into a tiny ponytail at the back of his neck. It stuck out from under his Tim Horton's hat and headset like a little tail.
His name tag said Matthew.
"Uh..." Despite living in this county for years, Berwald had never been to a Tim Hortons and he barely spoke Canadian.
"Two double doubles and a twunny packa Timbits." Tino spoke fluently. Berwald was amazed and mildly aroused.
"It'll be just a moment." Matthew grinned and moved to prepare their order.
The two waited in silence, Berwald staring Tino down like a hungry antelope.
"Wait a minute..." Tino scratched his chin. "I think I play hockey with that guy."
"You play hockey too?"
"Holy skieta! We have something in common!" Tino grinned. "You should come watch hockey night with me and my roommates next time!"
"How many roommates do you have?"
"Three. They're all Scandinavian too! We'll have a whole set!"
"Here's your coffee and Timbits!" Matthew popped back up, interrupting the discussion.
"Thanks!" Tino took the food and walked to the closest table. Berwald loved how he was taking charge.~
"Did you get my message last night?"
" phone wasn't working."
"Really? What happened to it?"
"It won't turn on."
"Oh! I have a friend who might be able to fix it!"
"Yeah! We could go visit him now!"
The Fin stood up, holding his hand out for the Swede. "Come on!"
"Wait! I have work!" Berwald halted then both.
"Just use my phone and call in sick. A little break every once in a while won't hurt." Tino handed Berwald a phone like the one he had. He had already figured out the call feature on his, so it wasn't hard to do the same with Tino's phone.
After a quick talk with his boss, he was ready to go.
He had never chosen IKEA over anything before.
But Tino was the exception to a lot of rules lately.

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