I am groot

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Romano lying on a fancy assed couch in a toga like some kind of Greek emperor but instead of feeding him grapes, Spain feeds him Tom Thumb tomatoes. You know, the little ones.

"Ugh." Tino groaned, pulling his pillow over his head. "Could you get that?"
"You made it."
"You birthed it."
"Only because you put it in me!"
"Berwald, just get the damn baby."
Berwald shot out of bed, clearly terrified. Tino took advantage of his fiancé's absence to curl up in the warmth he left behind. Winter was starting to come again and Tino wanted whatever heat he could get.
He made a burrito out of the blankets and tried to fall back asleep.
He didn't know how long he was out during the time Berwald was gone, but he was stirred out of his sleep when his lover poked his side.
"Tino. Move over."
"I want to go to sleep."
"Too bad."
"Tino, I have work in the morning."
"Nope. Lies."
"I'm not lying!" Berwald took his glasses off and wrapped his body around Tino's blanket burrito. "Let me in."
"Only if you say please."
"Pleeeeease!" Berwald stuck his bottom lip out.
Tino giggled and opened a slit in the wrap so Berwald could climb in.
"Gosh, your feet are so cold."
"You feet are warm."
"Shut it, mortal!" Tino kissed Berwald, wrapping his hands around his body.
"Go to sleep."
"But I'm all up now."
Berwald bit Tino's nose playfully.
"Why can't I just stay awake with you."
"Because I need to sleep and I can't do that if you're awake."
"Awwww. But Teddy-Berrrrr!"
"Shhhhh." Berwald kissed Tino firmly.
"I'm just too hyper."
"You drink too much coffee."
"You can never drink too much coffee."
"Yes you can. You can drink so much that you die..."
"Mhm." Berwald sighed. "I'm gonna sleep on he couch if you don't close you eyes."
"Stay with me."
Berwald started to pull away, teasingly.
"I'll be quiet."
Berwald tucked himself back against Tino and soon began to snore.
The Finnish man also closed his eyes and let his breathing slow. This man was a gift. One he couldn't wait to marry. The soft expansion and shrinking of his chest, the twitching of his mouth as he dreamed, it was all so...him.
He was just so-
"Tino. Get the baby!!!"
"You get it."
"I have work in the morning."
"Fiiiine." Tino pecked his fiancé on the cheek and crawled out of their bed, tiptoeing off to Erland's bedroom. He scooped the wailing infant into his arms and rocked him until his hole of pie was shut.
He was about to set the child back down when he heard something fall onto the floor. He spun around, ready to whip his rifle out of his manbra but he stopped when he saw Peter in the doorway.
"What are you still doing up?" He asked, voice stern and ready to scold.
"Erland is loud."
"You were probably loud too when you were his age."
"Was not!"
"Peter, go back to bed!"
Peter pouted and didn't move.
"I'm going to count to three."
"Can I sleep with you guys tonight?"
"Cuz I had a nightmare..." Peter looked away, embarrassed.
"Oh, sweetie," Tino set Erland down in his crib and knelt next to his older son. "Wanna talk about it?"
"I dreamt that Erland was the child of the antichrist and we had to kill him before he got to us, but you guys didn't believe me so I had to kill him myself but then before I could kill him he figured out how to possess people so he hopped into dad's body and I had to kill dad and then-"*
"O-kay sweetheart! Time to go to bed!" Tino lifted Peter into his arms and carried him bad to the bedroom he shared with Berwald. He tucked the boy in between himself and his hot Swedish sugar daddy before crawling in himself.
"Tino! The baby!"
This was going to be a long night.

*ive clearly been watching WAY too much supernatural.

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