U Have Been Visited By The Long Title of Prosperity.

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The titles in this story don't really mean anything. They're just shitposts.

"Whoa!!!" Tino gaped at the city lights, holding on tighter to Berwald's arm. He was so sparkly and pure.
"Wanna ride on my back?"
"Can I?"
"Yeah. Sure." Berwald knelt down so Tino could climb up.
The two frolicked through the streets as if they were newlyweds. Someday they would be, but why start then?
"This is so much fun!" Tino yelled at the top of his lungs. Berwald chuckled in his own way and turned into a park. He set Tino down and took his hand.
"Tell me about your childhood." Berwald requested.
"I was born and raised in Finland and it was all happy. And then I moved here because some mysterious force just pulled me here."
"Was it the writer again?"
"Probably. What about you? What were your parents like?"
"The closest thing I've ever had to parents is the IKEA I work in."
"You're an orphan?"
"You don't have any family at all?"
"Well, you won't need to worry about that ever again! You'll have me and Peter and the baby from now on!"
Berwald grinned and pulled Tino as close as he could. He loved this man with everything he had. He just didn't know how to express that.
"Hey! There's an ice cream stand over there!"
"Do you want some?"
"Yes!" Tino's eyes lit up.
Berwald nodded and lead his boyfriend toward the stand.
He ordered them both a cone and handed Tino's over.
"It's a bit cold to be eating ice cream, but it's always a fun thing to do on a date!"
"Mhm." Berwald agreed, taking a lick.
The two ate their ice cream and walked through the park, not talking but enjoying each other's company.
"Hey, I have an idea!" Tino chirped.
"Let's make out in a telephone booth."
Berwald blushed. "You want to do what?"
"I want the world to know about our love."
"Do telephone booths even exist anymore?"
"Good point. Let's make out under this tree instead." Tino pulled them off the pathway and dropped onto his back under a tree. Berwald sat down next to him.
"No, silly! You have to make out with me." Tino giggled.
"Oh." Berwald straddled Tino and leaned down to kiss him softly. The Finn grunted and deepened the kiss eagerly.
He tasted like a mixture of the peppermint flavour he usually had and the vanilla of the ice cream he just ate. It was tantalizing.
Tino grabbed Berwald's butt and the Swede blushed even harder than he already was, which probably didn't look like blushing because he heard a scream and the sudden pain of a purse being whacked off his head.
"YOU LEAVE ZHAT POOR BOY ALONE!!!" A woman shrieked.
Berwald leapt off Tino faster than Sherlock off a hospital roof.
"Miss, calm down! This is my boyfriend!" Tino flailed his arms wildly.
"Goodness! I zhought 'e was attacking you!" The woman was brunette and had a big green bow in her hair. She had a cat mouth. Meow.
"It's alright, really. He just looks scary, is all."
Was that true? Was Berwald scary?
"Well, I'm sorry for hitting you zhen. Bye!" The woman ran off and Tino held out his hand for Berwald.
"Come on, let's go home, okay?"

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