Booty booty booty booty rockin everywhere

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"It's been months, Berwald. When was the last time you were home?"
Lukas brought the boys by every afternoon to see their parents. Tino was still deep in a coma and didn't show signs of waking up. Berwald didn't want to leave his side for a second. What if he woke up and Berwald wasn't there? He didn't want to look like a jerk.
"It's almost Christmas. He'll wake up for that. I just know it."
Lukas sighed, looking at the floor in sorrow. The Norwegian knew that nobody could choose when Tino awoke, but he also knew that Christmas wouldn't be the same without the Finn around.
"We can't take care of these boys forever." Lukas set Erland into Berwald's arms. "The baby is going to start thinking we're his dads."
"I can't leave his side."
"Tino will understand. You have responsibilities."
"I can't." Berwald pet Erland's hair to calm himself. It was coming out red, like the stain on that table he had that fling with a while back.
Could it be?
Erland was totally theirs.
"What would happen if he's like this for a few more months? Or years? You still have bills to pay and skipping work won't cover them."
"No excuses. You need to stay on your feet for when Tino comes out of this."
"He's the only thing I live for."
"You have kids. That's more than a lot of people can ask for!"
"No! I'm not fucking done!" Lukas stood. Peter jumped under a chair, scared by his sudden fury.
"Arthur and I can never have kids. We're both sterile. But you have two and they're amazing. I know if I was in your shoes, I'd keep pushing on until Tino woke up because those boys need you!"
Lukas took a deep breath. "Just get your damn shit together, Jævel."
Berwald blinked. The Norwegian was right. Norwegians were always right.
"I'll take the kids home tonight."
"Good." Lukas walked out of the room, steaming even tho Norway isn't very hot.
Berwald went back to staring at his wife, hoping he would wake up soon. Had it really been over a year since the small Finnish man entered Berwald's IKEA with the intent of buying a Christmas lamp? It felt like forever ago that Berwald was on a super awkward Tim Hortons date. They had changed so much since then.
"I heard the news..." A voice spoke out. Berwald looked toward the door, seeing him.
What was he doing here?
"Is he okay?" Edvard maneuvered himself into the room and Berwald prepared himself for murder. How dare he visit Tino.
"He's fine. You can go home."
"I want to visit with him."
"You can't. I won him fair and square. So go home."
"What are you talking about?"
"The love of my life. My world. My waifu."
Berwald growled in response.
"Look, I don't know what crazy stuff is going through your head, but he's my friend."
"Friend smend. He's mine."
"If you don't treat him right, I'll snatch him right out from under your nose. Don't think I haven't got tricks up my sleeve."
"You don't even have sleeves. You're wearing a tank top, which, by the way, looks awful on you."
"You fucking heard me, you bröstvårta!"
"What did you call me?"
"You heard me!"
"I did but I don't speak Swedish!"
"Eat an ass!"
"What is going on?" Peter was walking around in circles, just as confused as you or I.
"We're leaving, Son." Berwald announced, taking both of his children and storming out of the hospital.

I had a dream about the future or whatever and within the mess of random shit going on, I remember one line
"I'm glad trump is showing his softer side."
I don't know what this means but I'm a little bit psychic so I'll just leave that there for consumption.

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