Gay bananas

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By the time Christmas Eve rolled around, Berwald was getting worried. Peter wanted to put a tree up, so he'd complied, but he left the star off. What kind of husband would he be if he didn't give Tino the star?
The presents were all haphazardly wrapped and under the tree, but Berwald dreaded having them opened. Half of him didn't want to wake up the next morning and the other half really didn't want to.
There was only one night left before Tino missed his first Christmas with his new family and Berwald didn't plan on leaving his side.
"Daaaaaaaad!" Peter whined. "I want a soda."
"You can't have a soda."
"Why noooooot?"
"Because it's not healthy. You can only drink milk."
"But the vending machines don't have milk."
"Drink my milk."
"Daaaaaad! I'm thiiiiiiiirsty."
"You're always thirsty."
"Am nooooot!"
"Are too."
"I'll go get you water."
"Thanks daddy!"
Berwald got up and walked out of the room, leaving Erland tucked between Tino's arm and body like the potato he was. He found a vending machine outside and stuck a few quarters in its slot. ;)
He pressed the button for water and waited for it to dispense.
Once it fell, he squatted to pick it up, but his legs gave out and he fell into a sobbing heap. Why did this have to happen to him? His family? His wife? He didn't deserve this pain. Maybe this had something to do with that breakup he had with that desk all those years ago. That was a nasty breakup and he said some things he shouldn't have. Maybe this was just karma from that.
"Daddy?" Peter had wandered out of the hospital room and knelt at Ber's side. The Swede pulled his son close and started to rock back and forth.
"He's awake, dad. Mum woke up."
"Mum is awake."
Berwald shot up. He wasn't there for his wife waking up!!!!! This was a disaster!! This was worse that that time he had three extra screws when assembling that shelf in his teens.
He took Peter's hand and rushed back to Tino's hospital room. He opened the door to find nurses everywhere and Tino sitting up in bed, cradling Erland in his arms.
"Tino!" Berwald launched himself into the bed, giving his wife an excited kiss.
"What day is it?"
"It's Christmas Eve."
"Oh shit! I need to bake the cookies and wrap the gifts and-"
"Honey, calm down." Berwald pet Tino's head to soothe him.
"But, Christmas!"
Berwald grinned from ear to ear, which was more than he ever really had. "I missed you."
"I missed you too."
"I told you not to look him in the eye."
"I didn't. The pure stupidity of his entire being drove me into a comatose state."
"I'm just glad you're okay."
"I'm glad you didn't choke on the Legos Matthias left behind."
"I almost stepped on one and broke my leg."
"I'm glad you didn't."
"Tino...I had our wedding planned for tomorrow...but-"
"Let's do it."
"Yeah! A Christmas wedding is perfect!"
"But you're not won't even be on your feet tomorrow..."
"Fuck that! I'll drag myself down the aisle if I have to! I just want you to be mine forever!"
Berwald swooned. His baby was just the most important thing in the world.
"I'll call everybody and tell them the news."
"Do you have everything together?"
"Of course I do. Your planning skills are impeccable."
"I love it when you use big words."
"I love it when you're not in a coma."
"I love not being in a coma too."
"I just love you in general."
"Then let's get this wedding started."

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