Swiggidy Swardis Get in My TARDIS

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I fucking love Canadian memes

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I fucking love Canadian memes.

"P-pregnant?!" Tino gaped.
"Mhm...your nugget is growing in my man uterus." Berwald nodded softly.
"B-but we just adopted a child?!!!!! I thought I was just overreacting when I told you to get checked out!!!"
"Tino, sweetie, pls. Not in front of the baby."
"This means you can't go in the sauna with me anymore, doesn't it?"
"I can still cuddle you after you're out of the sauna."
"It's not the same. I wanted to make you scream in-" the Finnish man glanced at Peter who was playing with action figures nearby. "Relaxation..."
"Why would I scream if I was relaxed?"
"I can't believe I have to give the birds and the bees talk to a grown man."
"Honey, calm down."
Berwald nodded softly, chilling his beans.
"Where was the bee?"
"There wasn't one."
"But you said-"
"I said the birds and the bees. That's different."
"How so?"
"Well...if we hire a babysitter for the night, I can tell you.~"
"Why can't you tell me now?"
"Fine, you know what? It's when two people who love each other very much get together and do what we did on New Years."
"You're so dense. God, I could-"
"I heard we had a new set of parents!" Lukas burst into the house excited in his own cool way. The rest of their gang, excluding Matthew and Matthias, were behind him.
"You told them already? Before me?"
"Told us what?"
"That Berwald is pregnant?"
"I didn't tell them."
"Berwald is WHAT?!" Arthur gaped.
"He's having my child." Tino said at the same time Berwald said "there's a bee inside me."
"Guys, chill out." Emil sighed.
"I CAN'T CHILL OUT THERE'S A BEE!!" Arthur shrieked.
"There isn't a bee." Tino assured everybody. "Ber is just pregnant."
"Ahh." Lukas nodded softly. "See, I told you that we didn't summon a demon here."
"That's great to know." Arthur nodded.
"So...where's the kid you adopted?" Emil asked.
"Over here," Tino lead them to the living room.
"He looks like the brat I gave up a few years ago." Arthur noted.
"You had a kid?"
"It was before we met."
"You still should have told me."
"We'll talk this over later, Lukas."
"Yeah. Sure."
"GUUUUuuUuUuUuUys!!!" A clearly drunk Gilbert and a less drunk Alfred burst into the house then. "Ve haven't heard from Matthias in a vhile. Have jou?"
"I miss him." Alfred whined.
"Only because jou have a crush on him. I, however, just vant to party."
"Shuttup, Gil."
"Hey, is zhis a party?"
"Kind of."
"Vhat are ve celebrating...und more importantly, is Matthew here?"
"I thought he was with Alfred..." Tino lifted an eyebrow.
"He hasn't talked to me in, like, a week."
"He left today...he said he was going to stay with you..." Now the Finn was clearly worried.
"Shit!" Alfred shouted.
"Hey!" Berwald covered Peter's ears too late. His poor child was now tainted.
"He must have run away again...god, the last time he did this he ended up in the bad part of Vancouver."
"Alfred, before he left he said something about being in foster homes..."
"Yeah...our parents died when we were toddlers and I was adopted right away but Matthew never got taken in..."
"That's so sad." Arthur lowered his gaze sadly.
"Yeah...he won't tell me what happened...but he's pretty messed up..." Alfred pursed his lips.
"How old was he when he had his son?"
"HE HAS A SON?!" Both Gilbert and Alfred gasped.
"You didn't know?"
"No! Mattie never tells me nothing!"
"Ve have to find him!" Gilbert pulled on Alfred's sleeve.
"Now who has a dumb crush."
"At least I have a chance vizh Mattie."
"Screw off!" The two exited the house, bickering, without even saying goodbye. Rude.
"I really hope everything will be okay." Tino whispered to Berwald.
"Everything will be okay as long as we're together." Berwald whispered back.
"You really are dense, aren't you?"

 "You really are dense, aren't you?"

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Little Katsuo

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