Yolo swag

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The man who came to Berwald's door a few days later was decked out in a black suit and looked mysterious af.
"Um...hello?" The Swede nervously shuffled a barking Hanatamago away from the doorway, staring the stranger down intensely.
"We found your fiancé and have secured him within the nearest hospital."
"Is he okay."
"He's okay, but he's dead."
"WHAT?!" Berwald was already planning mass suicide.
"Dead tired. Tino is in a coma."
"When is he getting up?"
"If we knew that, then I'd probably have a way cooler job than just going door to door delivering bad news. Now, I'll need to to sign this paper saying you agree to an impromptu alien abduction at any time." The man held out a piece of paper.
"I'm not signing that."
"That would be a wise choice, sir."
"Can I go see him?"
"He's in room sixty nine under the name 'Phillip P. Tupperware'."
"Thank you."
"No problem, sir. Have a nice day."
The man disappeared in a poof of smoke. All that was left of him was a single rose and a void in Berwald's heart.
He collected the children and hopped in the car to the hospital.
He went to the room number sixty nine and hesitated at the door.
What kind of shape would his little wifie be in? Was he shot? Tortured?
Only one way to find out.
He pushed open the door, adjusting Erland's weight in his arms, and stepped inside.
"Tino? It's me." He said into the room. Tino was lying lifelessly on the hospital bed, blanket pulled over his body and under his arms. He would have looked so peaceful had it not been for the machines all around him, signalling that his condition wasn't good.
Berwald nearly lost his shit right there. The love of his life, his soulmate, was an empty shell. He just wanted Tino back and smiling like he always was.
Why did this have to be so much to ask for?
"Mum?" Peter scurried forward, crawling into the bed next to the Finn.
"He's okay." Berwald assured the child despite not believing it himself. "He's just sleepy."
"I hope he's dreaming of transformers."
"Me too."
Erland started to cry and Peter scowled.
"Shhh! Mum is sleeping!"
Erland continued to cry because he was an asshole but also because he probably knew what was going on.
Berwald bounced him lightly and whispered soft "shush"es into the child's red hair.
He heard a knocking at the door right then and decided to answer it. Maybe his fairy godmother was back to grant him the wish of eternal life.
"Hey." Lukas and Arthur stood on the other side, Lukas holding a bouquet of flowers because the butter bitch didn't know that Berwald was the only one allowed to give Tino flowers.
"Come in." The Swede beckoned. The other two men walked in and sat around.
"Do you need somebody to take care of the kids while you're here? I know you'll probably want to be by his side when he wakes up..." Arthur offered.
"Yeah. Thanks."
The group of them sat around Tino's comatose body kinda awkwardly. Then again, what wasn't awkward with Berwald. Amiright?
"Well, we should get going." Lukas stood up after a little while.
"Should we take the boys now, or..."
"Now." Berwald answered. The children were sleepy and Berwald wanted some alone time with his wife~.
"Okay. See ya."

Living in the lap of luxury

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Living in the lap of luxury

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