Percy Jackson was never here

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Around him was the sounds of swords clanging on swords, and battle raging with screeches and monsters. He looked around desperately for Annabeth, and spotted her about to be stabbed by a dracaena. He screamed and flung himself in the way just as the dagger was plunged into his chest. He collapsed.

"PERCY! PERCY JACKSON WAKE UP! I WONT LET YOU DIE SEAWEED BRAIN! I won't let you die..." She reached down and picked him up tying a shirt around his chest. Then he passed out cold.


Percy woke up in a hospital bed in a room that did not look like camp halfblood. She sat up quickly caked in sweat.

"DOCTORS! HE IS AWAKE. GET TO PERCY JACKSONS ROOM IMMEDIATELY. GET HIS MOTHER. I REPEAT HE IS AWAKE!!" Why is everyone so fussed about me being awake? Percy thought. He looked around him and saw many many devices hooked up to him. Needles and heart monitors... And a picture of him and his mom and Grover next to him on the night stand. All of the sudden Percy's mom rushed in.


"Mom calm down it was like a day since the monster fight-"

"Percy? Are you okay? What monster fight?? There are no monsters!! DOCTOR I NEED A DOCTOR MY SON IS HAVING MEMORY PROBLEMS!!" She screamed. She ran over giving Percy the biggest hug she had ever given him.

"Mom! Where's Annabeth?? Where's Grover? Tyson and Chiron and Hazel and Frank and Leo and Jason and Piper and everyone!!!???" Percy started freaking out and calling for Annabeth.

"Annabeth? Wise girl? Where are you? Is this like getting me back for that curse you got in Tartarus? It's not funny wise girl! It's not-" Percy's mom had the biggest face mixed with confusion and concern. Tears started forming in her eyes and pored down her cheeks.

"Percy, honey, you've been in a coma since you were twelve. I've been waiting with Grover for you to wake up. I never thought you would..."

"What about the rest of the demigods?? Annabeth?? My wise girl?? My best girlfriend ever?? My life?? It's just all gone!!!!!" Percy's mom started balling even harder.

"Percy baby it was all a dream a wonderful happy dream...." She said soothingly but it was hard to be soothing with tears streaming down both if their cheeks now.

Suddenly a nurse walked into the room. She was familiar and had blond hair in curls at the bottom and gray eyes.... Next walked in a doctor who was very big and had ragged hair and blue eyes that were very big like his size. Next came in two more doctors. A boy with blond hair and blue eyes and another boy with brown curly hair and brown eyes. Next there were two more nurses about the same age both had darker skin one was darker though with poofy brown hair and gold eyes. The other had longer brown hair that was braided down the sides. Percy stared dumbfounded. It was a dream...

Percy broke down crying and all of the doctors stared.

"Percy! Honey what's wrong? I know you've been in a coma since you were twelve but you should be going with your mom. It was just a dream. That girl Annabeth you were talking about to your mother and what she was like...was she amazing? Beautiful? Smart?" The one nurse with the tag that said "Annie" on it asked.

"Yeah...she was beautiful, Amazing, and the smartest one ever. I wish I could have said goodbye to her before the d-d-dream ended...." Percy broke down crying again and Ammie rushed forward and wrapped an arm around him.

"It's okay....maybe you can..." She smiled and winked and went back to her computer work with the other doctors who were grinning nervously.

Percy had an idea.

Percy lifted up his shirt and saw scars and a big wound that had recently closed up on his chest.

He broke in to a giant grin and "Annie" as well as the others ripped their doctors robes off revealing camp halfblood and SPQR shirts. They laughed and Percy grinned so big that the toilets exploded. They all laughed and had a group hug, thankful he was alive. His mother just smiled.

"Dam mom, your a great actress!!" He said and they all laughed.


Back in the gods throne room

"Guys, this chapter shouldn't be called Percy Jackson was never here, it should be Percy Jackson shall always be here!" Poseidon explained. Aphrodite laughed.

"No, Poseidon. I think it should be called "PERCABETH and the difficulties of love!" She exclaimed. All the Olympians were rolling their eyes. After all, they were the ones who kept track of the adventures.

Then a small man strode into the room. He had a name tag and was holding a stack of the new books just like the one the gods were writing.

"Hello, Rick Riordan," the gods all stepped off the throne and bowed. He was the one who copied and edited the books that the gods made up. But they hadn't made up these new series with Percy Jackson.  I fact Rick wrote it. And he lived it. The form of Rick Riordan shimmered into Percy Jackson, his true form. 

Hope you guys liked it! So if you didn't understand Rick Riordan is Percy Jackson and the gods keep a book where they write all of the great heroes adventures in it. But Rick for once wrote these series. Well, Percy wrote it. Thanks for reading!

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