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Do you remember in House of Hades, when Annabeth and Percy were in front of the Acheron river, and it was whispering to them about they're murders and how they belong in there, with the rest of the killers?

Remember how even Annabeth wanted to jump in?

Think about how Percy must've felt in this scene. His fatal flaw being loyalty, all of the flashbacks of every monster he ever killed were probably horrifying to him, and there's no way he didn't think of Calypso. Or Zoe. Or Luke. Or Bianca. All of the people that Percy has lost were probably brought up again, and Percy was probably dead convinced that he could have saved their lives, he could have prevented their deaths, but he didn't. He feels like he was a factor in their deaths.

Now skip to Blood of Olympus, remember the scene with Percy and Jason battling Polyphemus, and when Polyphemus sprayed the acidic water Percy Walked In? Remember how he felt like he deserved it?

Throughout the rest of the quest, those voices from the Acheron river were probably Constantly playing in his head. Not to mention him most likely feeling immensely guilty about leaving Bob and Damasen in Tartarus.

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