You know it biatch Drew

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It was an ordinary morning at Camp Half-blood. I was about to head over to Annabeth's cabin but just as I was about to leave, a warm invisible force slammed into me.

"What the–" I half shouted,

"Shut up, Seaweed Brain! Back into your cabin, now!" An invisible Annabeth whispered harshly.

We entered my empty, messy cabin and I turned around to see nothing, my girlfriend had still not taken off her Invisibility Cap.

"Annabeth, why are you hiding?" I asked her,

She let out a sigh, "I swear to gods that if you laugh, I'll kick you in the balls."


Annabeth suddenly reappeared with a very terrifying pissed look on her face, her storm grey eyes seemingly ripping open my soul. But then I noticed something incredibly different. My jaw dropped. Her hair wasn't in it's normal gorgeously messy curls but surprisingly straight.

Like, Barbie doll straight.

Aphrodite girl straight.

Not that it looked bad, not at all.

"Oh Gods!" Annabeth groaned as she was about to put her cap back on.

"No don't, you look beautiful, honest to gods." I quickly said before she put on the cap. She let out a sigh and figured she may as well explain what had happened.

"Drew wanted revenge for supposedly stealing the "hottest guy at camp" so she snuck into my cabin and used her stupid Aphrodite powers and did this!" Annabeth rambled as she wildly hand gestured to her oddly flat hair.

I pulled her body closer to mine and played with a strand of her hair, letting it slide through my fingers rather than getting them stuck in the curls. "Well I guess her revenge was sort of pointless because the hottest guy at camp thinks you're really fucking hot too." I said with a smirk on my face.

At that moment when Annabeth blushed, I knew that I should've kissed her but I stopped myself because I had something else in mind. Clearly, Annabeth could tell because she just rolled her eyes at me. "Come on, let's go out. Don't put on your cap, alright Wise Girl?" I told her while pulling her hand out the door to which she just loudly sighed to.

In those minutes I spent trying to find the Aphrodite bitch, Drew Tanaka, the way I held Annabeth's hand were throughout the camp was cheesy enough to earn us more than a few "Aw"'s

At last, I spotted the Aphrodite Bitch standing in a mini swarm of Aphrodite girls. Approaching them, I cleared my throat loud for the mini swarm to direct their attention at me and my girlfriend. The initial reaction to Annabeth's straight hair was shock. Drew stared at us, raising a perfectly groomed eyebrow.

"Hey Drew," I called to her, "Thanks for doing my girlfriend's hair! She's pretty damn hot like she always is... that is, if you ask me." And with that I kissed Annabeth long and hard, practically leaving her breathless and dazed at the end.

Drew's face turned red and dropped just before getting engulfed by the swarm of squealing Aphrodite girls.

As we walked back to my cabin, Annabeth smiled a smile that made my heart skip a beat. "Thank you, Percy. You should kiss me like that more often."

And I did.

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