A LOT of texting

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The Godly Chat Room

Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson and the Olympians

HOW THE GODLY Chat Room Started:

Zeus's POV

There was an emergency meeting about what to do about that young upstart, Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon. Just saying his name makes my immortal golden Ichors boil. Anyway, I was about to start the meeting, when I noticed Poseidon was absent. Two seconds later, the god in question ran in, out of breath, and managed to choke out "Sorry...I'm late". I saw Hades smirk a little. Athena was laughing, and Poseidon was blushing. Then I saw why Poseidon was blushing and Athena laughing. Poseidon's eyes were purple, and his hair was... RED! He looked like male, immortal version of Rachel Dare, Apollo's oracle of Delphi. I tried to hide my laughter, but I couldn't. "Wow, brother, what happened to you?" I asked him. Poseidon walked over to his throne and sat down. "Um... I was walking... I accidentally hit Isis... she got offended... and then the tarter sauce happened... and yeah, my hair is red for a week," He jammed a baseball cap over his hair, "And she won't change me back". That's when Athena busted out laughing. Aphrodite spoke up "Well, Poseidon, you should be thanking her. Red suits you. And purple... and now that I think about it..." Aphrodite was lost in thought. Poseidon was the same color as his hair. "You know, Poseidon, you could have just zapped yourself here!" Dionysus said as he took a picture and emailed it to everyone at Camp. Then he finished recording the video he had been taking that whole time and emailed that to Percy himself. The only reason I know is because of what happened on Facebook 3 hours later.

Lightning-god: Wut r u doing?

Winedude: Publicly humiliating Poseidon...

Lightning-god: Ahh... Nice work! Email it to me?

Winedude: after I email the pics and vid to everyone at Camp

Lightning- god: FINE

Sea-god: About the vid? If it's of me, there will only be 11 Olympians left. : (

Lightning-god: Do u mean if it's of u, Ur gonna commit suicide? :)

Sea-god: No you charcoal-for-brains, I meant that I would kill Winedude


Sea-god: : ) Now to dye my hair back so I can deny everything and say the vid and pic were photo-shopped and put u 2 to shame...

Lightning-god: Who knew you could be so devious at times... I'm still gonna email the vid and pics to everyone I know

Sea-god: I could say it wasn't me, and it's not about being devious, it's about having a BRAIN!

Athenagoddess: Wow, Poseidon, u finally mastered comebacks!

Sea-god: Shut up, Athena. I'll text u later about this. :(

Iloveunicorns: Poseidon and Athena sittin' in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g...

Sea-god: Aphy now is not the time.

Athena: Totally not the time.

Winedude: Wow, Athena used the word "Totally"

Lightning-god: Poseidon! Is there something about u and Athena Ur not telling me?

Iloveunicorns: YES! THERE IS!

Sea-god: G2G! BYE!

Athena: I must go as well for something completely unrelated to the fact that Aphrodite claims that there's something going on between Poseidon and I.

Winedude: Since when did we have our godly meetings thru texting? G2G

Lightning-god: I have to go to. I need to follow Poseidon and Athena and see where there going.

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