"Don't forget me,"

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Stiles grabs your hand, "Y/n! Come on, hurry!"

Stiles had seen them. Seen the ghost riders.

You squeezed his hand in fright, and jogged alongside him, making it to the jeep. You both climbed in, afraid of what happen next.

You reached for his hand again, "Stiles, let's just talk to Scott, Lyds even. We can fix this, lets just--"

Stiles shook his head, tears threatened to fall. "No, I can't talk to them. I don't have much time left."

Your tears fell, "I wish this wasn't happening. I had so much planned. We would make it through college, buy a house together, someday have kids, grow old."

Stiles sighed, "I'm sorry. Y/n, my love, this is what I want you to do. You will cry, you'll laugh, you'll get angry, show your emotions, I know you have trouble, I just want you to try. I want you to live," You and Stiles flinched as the storm picked up, whipping leafs, sticks and garbage everywhere. " I want you to get your happy ending-- Have two point five kids, grow old with the love of your life. Just be happy, baby."

You shook your head, "No, we're gonna get you back. Stiles you are the love of my life, nothing and no one will change that. I love you. I asked you out for a reason, and that's it."

Stiles's head snapped over, looking at something; something you couldn't see.

In a panic you pulled his face to you, "Stiles, no, look at me. Baby, look at me."

His eyes flew to the left, you let out a sob, "No, please. Don't leave me."

He leaned forward, giving you one last kiss. "I love you, Y/n."

"I love you so much." You nodded.

He removed one hand from yours, pushing your hair back and wiping your tears away. Knowing he was gonna try and remove the other, you squeezed his hand for dear life.

"Don't forget me," Stiles demanded, using his free hand to push yours away.

You tried to reach again, only to have Stiles stop you, "I won't."

And then he was gone.


Upon arriving home, you were bombarded with questions from Lydia.

"What happened? Is he gone?" She asked in a panic.

Confused, you replied, "Is who gone? He who?"

"Wha- Stiles! Where's Stiles?!" She yelled at you.

"Woah! Chill out, please don't yell at me." You felt your anxiety start to rise. You took some deep breaths.

"Where is Stiles?" She asked, softer, slower.

You shook your head, "Who's Stiles?"

Lydia's eyes bulged out of her head, "Wha- Your boyfriend, did they take him?"

You rolled your eyes, annoyed with your friend, "Lydia, you know I haven't ever had a boyfriend before. Are you just trying to be a jerk?"

She groaned and stormed out, mumbling something about how she would find him herself.

You scoffed and walked over to your dresser, stopping when you saw a photo.

It confused you, it was odd. You remembered taking that photo with someone; but who?

In the photo, your eyes were closed, smile wide, as if you were laughing at a joke someone told.

But the odd thing was, you were sitting awkwardly. It was almost like someone was taken from the photo. You flipped the picture over in your hands, shrugging.


Just like usual, you were thrown into a panic attack, gasping for breath.

As your chest tightened, you heart squeezed. You needed help and none was coming.

You fell to the bathroom floor, gasping for air. You desperately wanted to feel it on your lungs.

The door suddenly burst open, Lydia walking in, crouching down to meet you.

Panic was written on her face, "Y/n, what was your guy's routine? I know you both got them!"

Still gasping for breath, you said, "W-who?"

"Doesn't matter. Just breathe with me, okay? Can you do that for me?"

You closed your eyes and focused on your breathing.

You remembered something.

A boy sat in front of you, helping with your panic attack. You opened your eyes, screaming.

"Hey, hey. Its okay, I'm here. Just breathe," Lydia told you calmly.

You closed your eyes again, remembering a name.

Stiles Stilinski.

As your panic stopped, you looked at Lydia, "Who's Stiles?"

She gasped, "You remember?"

"Sort of."

She went into the story, you were lovers, soulmates even. Nothing could break you apart, until they showed up.

"H-how could I just forget him?" You asked, as the rest of the memories came flooding back, causing you to gasp, "Lydia, I promised him I wouldn't forget."

You met her gaze, "Lydia, I promised him."

hello! how are you?

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