Past Times

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Y/N pulled open the door, grunting in the process. She struggled to hold the large drink and food carrier as she walked. Her friends decided that since she was late she would be getting their food. And Y/N didn't argue; it was the least she could do.

Y/N looked up at the sky, groaning, wishing she had a hood; it looked like it would rain soon.

"Y/N?" She heard, causing her to stop in her tracks. She knew that voice anywhere. She didn't look behind her, maybe if she just kept walking he'd leave. So, she kept walking to her car, faster than normal, almost dropping the food in the process.

"Yeah, hey! Y/N, wait up! Y/N!" She heard him yell then heavy footsteps approaching. She stopped, huffing.

Y/N turned around, a glare in her eyes.

The boy in front of her chuckled, not noticing the glare, or maybe he did, but Y/N really didn't care. "So, we meet again, huh?"

Y/N stopped glaring and readjusted the many things in her arms. "Yeah, I figured this would happen eventually but I didn't think it would happen in the parking lot of a Pizza Hut."

Dylan, the boy who hurt her so many years ago, smiled, not showing his teeth. A fake one, Y/N knew that much.

He placed his hands on his hips, "So! How've you been? I see you changed your hair, maybe lost a few pou-"

"Fine," Y/N interrupted him, not wanting to hear his small talk. "What are you doin' here, Dylan?"

Dylan laughed, showing his white teeth. A feature Y/N had always loved about him. "Well, getting pizza, of course, a couple of the guys from work- Tpose, Dylan, Shelley, they're all inside."

Y/N nodded, bitterly. She hated him; she hated everything about him. Not a word was exchanged between the pair for a moment, before Dylan opened his mouth, letting a frown replace the once big smile.

"You've changed. I can tell." He rubbed his neck. Another thing Y/N knew about: a nervous habit.

"Yeah, heartbreak will do that to a person." Y/N sassed. Dylan's eyes widened, she knew she hit a nerve. She didn't feel bad. He could take it.

He threw his hands down, a breath escaping his mouth, "Y/N," He began in a condescending tone and Y/N rolled her eyes. "How many times do you expect me to apologize?! Its been two years."

"Apologies don't much if you're not actually sorry, Dylan." Y/N deadpanned. She hated him, a lot.   

Dylan's eyes widened again, "But I did mean it! Y/N I meant it so much." Y/N couldn't help but pick up on the past tense he used. She shook her head, she couldn't do this right now. She began to turn around, walking to her car, but Dylan's voice stopped her, "Y/N. Please."

She angrily threw down the food and drinks, not caring that she'd have to buy them again. "Explain it to me Dylan! Tell me, please. Tell me why you even went down that road with me."

Y/N had tears filling her eyes and Dylan was holding his breath with wide eyes, looking down at the long forgotten things on the ground. Then, he took a breath, focusing his gaze on Y/N, "I needed someone, and you were a safe choice, and that wasn't fair to you, and I'm sorry. But I'm here now, and ready to love you."

Y/N let her tears fall, a sob leaving her parted lips. She cursed the fact that he still had so much power over her. "You know, Dylan. You never think of anyone but yourself! Never, it was always you. Always."

He opened his mouth to speak, probably more apologies, but Y/N cut him off. She pointed a finger at him. "I've been hurt before, but not like this. Never like this. You're the only one who's ever been able to hurt me like this."

"Y/N I'm sorry, okay? I love you."

Y/N rolled her eyes, wiping tears away. "You don't know what love is, you sick bastard." She turned on her heal and ran to her car. Turning the key, she quickly pulled out, leaving Dylan standing alone.

aw poor dyl

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