Bad Boy Dylan (pt 2)

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The brunette followed the girl in front of him

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The brunette followed the girl in front of him. "Y/N, seriously? Stop, would you just-"

The girl stopped, Dylan almost running into her, "Stop what, Dylan?"

He frowned, "Look, I messed up, okay? But I have a good reason-"

Y/N spun around, a glare in her eyes, "A good reason? For standing me up, you mean?"

Dylan opened his mouth to respond, but Y/N cut him off, "You let me stand outside the restaurant for an hour, Dylan! You didn't even call!" Y/N was yelling at Dylan and students were beginning to crowd around them, watching. Dylan's tongue poked out of his mouth, moving the piercing around.

Dylan shook his head, his hand scratching it, "I-I- I'm sorry, Y/N."

Y/N's whole stance slumped down, her eyes sad. It hurt Dylan, knowing that it was his fault and she turned around after looking around and telling the boy, "That doesn't make it alright."

Dylan watched her figure disappear down the hall before turning to the next. Dylan looked at the crowd, they stared back, expectantly. This made Dylan's blood boil, "What the hell are you all looking at?"

The crowd quickly dispersed and Dylan stood unmoving until someone came into his view. "Dylan, right?"

Dylan's eyes narrowed at the boy in front of him. He didn't know his name but he knew he was a year below himself and Y/N, a junior.

"What's it to you?" he asked, looking the boy up and down. Dylan took notice of his tan skin and dark hair. The younger boy shook his head, laughing before he stuck his thumb over his shoulder, "Well, if you want her back, i've just become your new best friend."

"What do you mean?" Dylan asked as he crossed his arms and watched a few stragglers make their way to class.

The boy, who still was nameless, shifted his weight, "I'm the closest thing Y/N has to a best friend and i'm going to help you."

"But. . . I've never seen you around before?" Dylan trailed off, not believing what he was being told. The tanned kid laughed, "Do you want my help, or not?"


"Stop it with the 'but's," he told Dylan before starting to walk away. Dylan followed.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Because I want to see her happy." He simply answered.

Dylan O'Brien imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now