then she was gone...

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a/n; ur kids in this r called Bailey and Bay. & the song attached is the song that made me come up w this idea so i suggest you listen to it:)

S I X  M O N T H S  A G O


Y/N and Dylan stood in front of a casket, their 17-year old daughter sobbing in front of them, holding on to the casket.

Y/N clutched Dylan's shirt, loud and ugly sobs leaving her lips: but no one cared. She was allowed to cry, her daughter was dead. It wasn't supposed to happen like that: it never is. A parent is supposed to out live their children. The parents aren't supposed to feel the pain of losing a child.

"Bailey, c'mon," Dylan had spoken, him being the first. Dylan was not crying. On the outside, he was being strong for the both of you, but on the inside he was breaking, on the verge of a panic attack. That stunned him, he never thought him and his TV character would share anything more than their looks; but many things happen when we don't expect them.

"Bailey! We have to go!" Dylan shouted after she ignored him, Y/N backed away, unable to look at either one of her family members.

Bailey's head snapped to her father, standing up abruptly. Eyes wide she yelled back, tears falling rapidly, "Are you even sad?! Your daughter just died, dad. My twin is dead and there's nothing we can do about it!" She walked towards him, anger subsided, "Dad, why does it hurt so much?"

Bailey let loud sobs leave her lips, her hand flying to her mouth. Dylan pulled her into a tight hug, "It just does."

Dylan looked at his wife, she sat on a pew, clutching the side so tight her knuckles turned white. As Dylan held his last remaining daughter, he studied his wife, still as beautiful as the day they met. Dylan's eyes roamed over her: her hair pulled back into a pony, pieces falling out at the front, her mouth constantly opening and shutting (probably trying not to have an attack herself, something that happened quite often), tears fell from her eyes, causing her to shut them tightly every few seconds. Her clothes were baggy and dark, her free hand pulling the shirt away from her body. Dylan knew she was wanting to disappear, because he did too.

Dylan's attention turned back to his daughter, her sobs calming down, his hand rubbing her head and back, "We're gonna get through this, Bailey, I promise."



Y/N shook her head, "No - I can't do this anymore! I-I look everywhere in this stupid house," Y/N threw the glass she was holding against the wall, barely missing her husband and daughter, not giving it a second thought, she continued, "And - and I see her! I see my beautiful baby Bay! I-I can't!"

Dylan and Bailey shared a look, Dylan putting his hands out, trying to reason with his wife. "Y/N, what do you mean? I - we can help you, we all miss her."

She just shook her head, "No, no." Y/N turned around, walking to their shared room. Gathering a bag and shoving clothes in it, she quickly fit as much as she could and sipped it shut. Walking back into the kitchen, she announced, "I am leaving you."

Dylan was quietly talking with his daughter, his arm crossed over his body, the other perched on his arm, thumb in his mouth. Bailey was leaning against the sink, knuckles clutching the counter so hard they were loosing their color.

"Mom?" Bailey had asked, "What do you mean?"

"I cannot live in this home anymore," Y/N looked around, then met Dylan's eyes, "If you even want to call it that."

"You can't leave, Y/N." Dylan stated, wide eyed. He wasn't about to loose the love of his life as well.

Y/N nodded, "I am and you cannot stop me."

Then she was gone. 

On that day in history both Dylan and his daughter lost a beloved family member; one that wasn't their first.


T H R E E  Y E A R S  L A T E R

Dylan and his daughter, Bailey, were walking down the street, away from the restaurant they just ate at. Both Dylan and Bailey hadn't heard from Y/N in years. Both figuring it was for the best; Dylan and his daughter both having a better relationship with one another. Dylan never looking for love, Y/N being the one for him. He only had the memories now, he sure did miss her. Was she happy? Did she have more kids? Remarry? What was her life like?

As Dylan opened his mouth to tell his daughter something he bumped into something - or someone.

Before Dylan had a chance to apologize, Bailey was already speaking.

"Mom?" The girl questioned. Dylan's head snapped over.

There standing in front of him was indeed the mother of his children - child. Dylan's eyes were wide as he stared at her. He was confused, mind blank. She was still as beautiful as he remembered.

Y/N's hair was a bit longer than he remembered, she was skinner too (not that he minded, she would always look beautiful to him). She was smiling, something he had grown to miss; not seeing it since before- the incident. She looked good, happy.

"Wha-" Dylan was at a loss of words.

Bailey looked between them, eyes tearing up, before she gave them a moment alone.

"Dylan, hello." She spoke, a small smile on her face.

Dylan nodded, mouth opened, not able to speak- to shocked. Y/N laughed at this, her laugh ignited something in Dylan.

"I've missed your laugh," He told her, honestly. He cursed himself- three years and thats the best he could do?

Y/N blushed, "I'm really glad I bumped into you, literally. I've been meaning to call or-"

Dylan rushed forward, engulfing her in a bone crushing hug. He pulled back to look at her, "Are you back? For good?"

Y/N nodded, "If thats okay- I mean, I know I left and it was really bad but-"

"I want you- we want you." Dylan said, kissing the lips he hadn't felt in over three years.


okay, aw

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