ER visits

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"hey sorry for the last minute notice but i'm calling to cancel our date cuz i'm currently in the ER"


Dylan sat at the restaurant table, waiting for his date. She was late; Y/N was never late. Dylan was worried. His phone began ringing her ringtone. Dylan smiled as he answered.

"Y/N, is everything alright?"

Dylan heard a faint beeping in the background, confusing him further.

"Hey. Um, actually, no. I'm sorry for the last minute notice, or whatever, but I'm calling to cancel. " She told him, amusement clear in her voice.

Dylan looked up, hearing the waitress talk.

"Oh my god, you're Dylan O'brien! Can I get a picture?" She asked Dylan.

Dylan sighed out, nodding once, quickly telling Y/N to hold on. Once taking a photo (a selfie) with the young girl, he lifted the phone back to his ear, only to be stopped again.

"Do you know what you're getting?" She asked, a smirk playing on her lips. Dylan felt uncomfortable. Not that the girl was unattractive— well, to be fair, any girl that wasn't Y/N wasn't attractive to Dylan. Her smirk was completely wrong, Y/N's was playful and mysterious but the waitress's was unprofessional and absurd.

Dylan's eyes flicked between the empty seat in front of him and then back to the lady standing next to him.

"Um, no. I'm waiting on someone." She said okay, and winked at Dylan. Dylan didn't like that, she walked away. He returned his attention to the delirious girl on the phone.

"What happened, love?" Dylan asked, genuinely worried. Y/N's heart warmed, a smile appeared on her face. She loved when Dylan called her that, it reminded her that she was Dylan's and no one could change that.

"I am currently sitting in an ER room." She scoffed, rolling her eyes— not that Dylan knew that.

Dylan started to stand up, questioning why she was in the ER, asking her which ER she was in. "Dylan, you don't need to come."

He shook his head, switching his phone to the other ear, putting on his jacket. "Nonsense, I'm coming."

Y/N told him which hospital it was. Dylan told her that he was on his way and then hung up.

Upon running into the hospital ( or ER, he didn't really care at the moment), Dylan was stopped twice, fans asking for pictures. He stopped, giving each and every fan a hug. He was annoyed, sure, he loved his fans, he wouldn't be who he was without them, but he only had Y/N on the brain. He half jogged, half walked to the front desk. Dylan placed his hands on the desk, softly, letting out a long breath.

"Hey, you're-" The nurse, or whatever, had wide eyes, pointing a finger at Dylan.

Dylan rolled his eyes. Again, he thought.

"Yup, Dylan O'brien. Hey, listen I'm here to see my girlfriend- could you help me out?"

She nodded, "What's her name?"

Dylan O'Brien imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now