Day 2

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The sea breeze hit me as I walked in the sand. I cannot cope with this heat. I decided I'd take the opportunity of being on my own to sit on the bench and read some of my book, seen as at the moment the bench was in the shade.

Just as I was getting into my book, I was interrupted. Again.


I looked up from my book and saw Brad stood in front of me, shirtless with his hair wrapped up in a bandana again.

'Sorry if I interrupted you I just saw you sat on your own so I thought I'd come over' Brad spoke as he scratched the back of his neck.

'No it's fine, I was just a bit bored really anyway' I said as I moved over giving Brad room to sit on the bench with me, which he did.

'So I was thinking, and seen as you're bored, do you want to go into town maybe?' Brad asked as he sat down.

'Yeah That sounds fun, but if we get lost I'm blaming you' I laughed as I stood up signalling for Brad to stand up too.

Brad laughed, shaking his head as he stood up.

'I'm just going to tell my mum where I'm going. Are you coming?' I said as I walked in the direction of my mum's sun bed.

'Yeah sure' Brad said joining me as we walked.

We walked in silence to the pool, although it was a nice silence. A comfortable silence.

We reached the sun bed where my mum was listening to her music so I nudged her causing her to jump and sit up.

'Mum this is Brad. Brad this is mum' I said pointing to the two of them.

'I'm just going into town with Brad for a bit, we won't be gone all day I'll be back in time for going out later' I said as I put my book in my bag and threw it over my shoulder.

'Okay but don't get lost because I'm not coming to find you' my mum laughed as she put her earphones back in and lay back down.

'So do you want to go the beach way or the road  way?' I asked Brad was we walked away from the pool.

'Well you sound like you know where you're going, I don't so I'm counting on you' Brad laughed  so I signalled to walk back to the beach.

'The beach way is nicer and seen as its 34 degrees I really need that sea breeze'

We continued to walk until we reached the little pathway that lead you to the pier which was about a 20 minute walk from the hotel.

We eventually reached the pier which was filled with lovely little stalls and a few restaurants and bars.

'So what do you want to do then?' Brad asked as he turned to face me.

'Hmm I love loving through all of the shops and stalls but that will probably be boring for you so we can do something else if you want' I said looking around.

'No that sounds fun, everybody knows that when you go on holiday you have to waste lots of money on stupid things in the little shops' Brad laughed as we started to walk towards the first one we could see.

'I never normally have company when I come down here' I said as I walked over to the bracelet Stand.

'Do you come here often then?' Brad asked as I started to pick out different ones.

'Yeah me and my mum come every year, we have done since I was 15' I replied.

'That's nice, I don't get much family time because of the band so we like to go to different places when we get the chance' Brad said as he started to look threw the bracelets as well.

'I like this one' we both spoke at the same time holding a bracelet each up.

We both started laughing when we realised we had the same one.

'I guess that's fate telling us we need to buy these bracelets' Brad said as he took mine out of my hand and continued to laugh.

'You did not just say that was fate' I pretending to be sick before speaking again.

'Why did you take my bracelet anyway give it back I saw it first' I tried to snatch the bracelet back out of brads hand.

'Do you really think I'm going to ask you to come with me down here then make you pay for your own bracelet? On you're bike love' Brad laughed as he walked over to the till to pay.

'You don't have to do that it's only €1.50' I protested.

'Exactly. Can you not let me be nice to you' Brad said as he pulled out a wallet from his pocket.

Once we had finished walking around the shops we found a little stall that had ice creams and smoothies.

'Do you want anything? I'm going to get a mango smoothie?' Brad said once again pulling out his wallet.

' hmm that does sound nice, but you don't have to pay I'll get them' I said as I tried to find my purse in my bag. However before I managed to pull it out Brad had already payed for them.

'Thankyou but you don't have to pay for everything' I said as the man handed us the smoothies.

'I don't mind spending €4 on smoothies Jo' Brad laughed as we walked towards a little bench on the beach.

'It's definitely been nicer to have company today, although I do enjoy my time reading on the beach' I smirked as I looked out to the ocean.

I never really bother getting to know anybody when I'm on holiday, mainly because I'm to much of an awkward person. Everybody makes those friendships on holiday and you think you're going to keep in touch and well, you never do really do you.

'It looks really pretty doesn't it' Brad said, his eyes fixed on the moving waves.

'I love it. It's so relaxing' I replied as I took my camera out of my bag ready to take a photo of the view.

'Here. Let me take a picture of you with the view' Brad said taking the Polaroid out of my hands. 

I covered up my face at first but then turned to face Brad and the camera and smiled a little.

Brad snapped the picture and it printed out.

'Let me see. I bet I look awful' I said trying to take the photo out of Brad's hands but he wasn't having any of it.

'You look Gorgeous Jo are you mad' Brad replied as he looked at the picture.

Due to me being the most awkward person in the world I could feel my cheeks heating up. So I turned and faced away from Brad, pretending I was looking at the view of the stalls we'd just been in.

I turned back to Brad and he was still holding the photo and looking at it.

'Can I take another one? so we both have one its just well both have something to remind us of our little trip when we go back home, for keeps sake' Brad said looking a bit nervous.

'Why don't I just take a photo of you?' I said taking the camera out of his hands. Brad smiled and the picture printed. 

Brad pulled out his wallet again and slipped the photo of me into one of the little bits you're suppose to put your cards into.

I have a little folder in my bag that I put my photos in so they don't get ruined before I can put them in a book at home, so I put my photo in there. 

As I looked back up at Brad he seemed a lot closer to me than he was before. I suddenly felt so nervous in his presence. 

Brad didn't say anything although he moved his hand so it gently touched my cheek.

I could feel Brad moving closer to me, he's eyes still locked with mine. I felt like everything was moving in slow motion until I felt Brad's lips softly press against mine.


Lol this took soooo long to write and I haven't proof read it so it might not even make sense 🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼 vote and comment if you like it

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